Ajou University President Choi Kee-choo talked with Senior Vice President Ben Sowter of Quacquarelli Symonds at the Asian Leadership Conference 2023.Hosted by The Chosun Ilbo, a Korean daily newspaper, the Asian Leadership Conference marks its 14th run this year. This year's event was held from May 17 to 18 under the theme of “The Era of Upheaval: The Road to Collaboration and Innovation.” On the afternoon of May 18, President Choi talked with Senior Vice President Sowter for about an hour on "the role of the university in saving the world." Quacquarelli Symonds is a British company that specializes in the analysis of higher education institutions around the world. President Choi introduced Senior Vice President Sowter to the audience, and Sowter gave a presentation on how universities can help protect the world. The two then engaged in an interview and answered questions from the audience. The entire event was conducted in English.Citing as an example the development of the COVID-19 vaccine, a feat accomplished in only 10 months and made possible through the participation of universities around the world, Senior Vice President Sowter said that universities are producing research outcomes and making innovations that save lives and make the world a better place. He explained that a focus of Quacquarelli Symonds in assessing universities is the discovery and recognition of universities that are capable or have potential in such research and innovation.Sowter said, "Korean universities are more sensitive to change and make decisions faster compared to universities in other countries," but that "they are skewed toward American universities in joint research in an era where global cooperation is needed."He said Korean universities needed cultural reform to move forward with global cooperation, and that they should move away from the ingrained competition among themselves and embrace sharing and cooperation.President Choi sought Senior Vice President Sowter's views on strategies that individual universities could adopt in the face of the falling school-age population and rapidly changing internal and external conditions of universities. Sowter then answered questions from the audience about university rankings and competition, university assessment, deindividuation of universities, limits and opportunities of online education, and other topics.One of the founding members of Quacquarelli Symonds, Senior Vice President Sowter is a higher education expert who has been involved in the QS World University Rankings for almost 20 years.Other notable speakers at the Asian Leadership Conference 2023 included former US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, former Prime Minister of Malaysia Mahathir Mohamad, former UN Secretary-General Ban Kimoon, 77th UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, KakaoPay CEO Shin Wonkeun, Green Climate Fund Advisor Jeffrey Lamb, and 25th Australian Prime Minister John Howard.
- 작성자OIA
- 작성일2023-06-02
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# Related KBS News CoverageA dream material according to a Nobel laureateAjou University invited a Nobel laureate to give a lecture as part of its 50th anniversary commemoration.Konstantin S. Novoselov (pictured above), a professor at the National University of Singapore who was awarded the 2010 Nobel Prize in Physics, gave a lecture titled "Materials for the Future." Some 600 people, including researchers and students of Ajou University and other universities as well as local elementary, middle, and high school students, attended the lecture on the morning of May 12.Professor Novoselov spoke about graphene and its characteristics and applications, expectations for and realities of future materials, and principles and conditions around the design of new materials, among other subjects. Afterward, he answered questions from the audience.Professor Novoselov and his mentor, Professor Andre Geim of The University of Manchester, won the 2010 Nobel Prize in Physics for developing graphene, hailed as a "dream material." Only 36 years old at the time, Professor Novoselov was thrust into the limelight.An artificial nanomaterial, graphene is widely regarded as an advanced material that overcomes the limits of silicon. Lightweight, transparent, flexible, strong, and conductive, graphene is ideal for use in displays, semiconductors, solar cells, cars, aircraft, and more.Ajou University held a variety of events this year to honor its 50th anniversary. In April, Nobel laureates David MacMillan (2021 winner, Princeton University) and Carolyn Bertozzi (2022 winner, Stanford University) gave special lectures, and academic seminars on AI semiconductors, mobility, energy and materials, and biotechnology were also held.Ajou University President Choi Kee-choo said he hoped "the Nobel laureates' lectures would inspire students' learning," and that "it would be wonderful for an Ajou University graduate to go on to win a Nobel prize." Ajou University students and researchers and local elementary, middle, and high school students attending the lectureProfessor Novoselov and President Choi with students who attended the lecture
- 작성자OIA
- 작성일2023-06-02
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A Korean speech contest was held in commemoration of Ajou University's 50th anniversary. The event was intended to promote a sense of academic achievement among international students at Ajou University, help them adapt to university life, and motivate them in their academic endeavors.The contest was held in the auditorium of the Yeonam Hall at 11 a.m. on May 3. In attendance were 350 international students, Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs Kim Kyungrai, Director Kang Shin-goo of the Office of International Affairs, Director Lee Dong Ryeol of the International Education Center, and other university officials.The event started with an opening address and proceeded with speeches by participants, divided into beginner and intermediate/advanced levels; entertainment; a prize giveaway; and speeches by the winners. The event concluded with photo-taking.The three groups of participants competed in the preliminary and main events. The preliminary event was judged ahead of the contest by assessing the scripts prepared by the participants. Forty-eight international students participated in the preliminary, 10 of whom took to the stage on the day of the contest.The topics of the speeches delivered by the students ranged from life in Korea, such as "Korea and My Dreams" and "Life in Korea," to society and politics, such as "Korea's Low Birth Rate Problem," "The Conflict in Myanmar," and "Technological Development and Our Future." The judges for the event were Professor of Korean Language and Literature Mun Hye-won, Professor of Global Culture Hwang Sunyoung, and International Education Center Instructor Kwon Ju-yeon, all from Ajou University, who judged the participants on the originality of their scripts, script-speech consistency, appropriacy of vocabulary and expressions, and other qualities. The first prize went to Khit Min from Myanmar, who delivered a speech on the conflict in Myanmar at the intermediate/advanced level. Min took away KRW 800,000 in prize money.The two second prize co-winners were Moe Yati Zaw and Phyo Thu Pyae, both from Myanmar, who addressed the audience under the titles "Technological Development and Our Future" and "Korea and My Dreams," respectively. The third prize was shared by Tran Khuyen Ngoc from Vietnam and Elaheh from Iran for their respective speeches titled "Life in Korea" and "The Scent of Freedom."When asked for a comment, first prize winner Khit Min said to "please support Myanmar students who are studying hard in Korea under difficult circumstances" and "show continuing interest in the situation in Myanmar."The first semester of this year marks the all-time largest number of international students enrolled at Ajou University, at 612. They come from 35 countries, including Vietnam, Myanmar, China, Russia, Mongolia, India, and Indonesia. Ajou University maintains sister relations with 337 institutions and universities in 67 countries.View the Korean Speech Contest on YouTube
- 작성자OIA
- 작성일2023-06-02
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An interview with President Choi Kee-choo on the achievements, plans, and desires of Ajou University on the occasion of university’s 50th anniversary was published in the April 7 issue of Korea Joongang Daily.In the interview, President Choi talked about the inauguration and history of Ajou University, the university’s 50th anniversary, its strengths and achievements, global strategy, Ajou University in Tashkent (AUT), and support system for foreign students.President Choi said, “I am proud that Ajou University has played a pioneering role in both education and research. Going forward, we will remain dedicated to expanding our university infrastructure and fostering mutual growth with the local community.”He added, “Ajou University will also build relationships based on exchanges and cooperation with top global universities and help our students gain overseas experience by attending such institutions so as to become globally competitive.”Ajou University marks its 50th anniversary on April 12, for which it has established the slogan “A+ for the World” and prepared a total of 25 commemorative projects in five sectors, including education, research, international cooperation, culture, and history.# Go to Korea JoongAng Daily article*Images provided by Korea JoongAng Daily
- 작성자OIA
- 작성일2023-05-16
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Ajou University held the “Ajou Vision 2023” time capsule opening ceremony on the occasion of its 50th anniversary. The time capsule that was opened had been prepared and buried along with the declaration of the “Ajou Vision 2023” university development plan in November 2008. The purpose of the event was to review the university’s achievements, direction, and desires in terms of its development and the preparations that need to be made for its future.On the morning of April 4, the time capsule opening took place in front of Yulgok Hall with over 100 participants, including students, professors, and staff. The opening of the time capsule was followed by an explanation of its contents and remarks by the president. The time capsule was opened, on behalf of the Ajou family, by President Choi Kee-choo; Lee Hyo-seong, president of the Student Council; Kim Kyungrai, Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs; Lee Seon-yi, library director; Im Sang-hyeon, director of the Planning and Coordination Division of Ajou University Hospital; Lee Jae-ho, president of the Professors’ Council; Cho Jae-hyeon, president of the labor union; and Kim Dong-seok, dormitory director.The time capsule contained 20 items that reflect the goals of Ajou Vision 2023, “a world-class university taking the lead in convergence discipline.” They include booklets and a declaration of “Ajou Vision 2023,” a university master plan, final application for the construction of the law school, permit for such construction, official document providing the results of the preliminary assessment for engineering education accreditation, and status and photos taken of the university at the time.At the ceremony, students read the letters that were found in the time capsule, written by the students who buried it in 2008.Lee Dong-hyeon (electronics, 2019) read the letter written by Wu Hye-rim (College of Humanities, 2004), followed by Lee Eun-gyeong (architecture, 2021) reading the letter by Kim Jeong-hun (school of business, 2003) and Lee Da-yun (digital media, 2022) reading the letter by Cho Hyeong-jun (bio-engineering, 2007). The letters expressed the students’ expectations for changes on campus and wishes for the university’s development and told their stories to and shared their hopes with juniors. President Choi, in his commemorative remarks, said, “Marking its 50th anniversary, Ajou University is planning many physical changes in the campus master plan, including the construction of the AU50 Convergence Hall. I would like to extend my sincere appreciation to our professors and staff, who have worked so hard over the past 50 years to make Ajou University what it is today." Ajou University marks its 50th anniversary on April 12, for which it has prepared various commemorative projects under the slogan “A+ for the World.” During the week of the 50th anniversary (April 10 to 14), the ai (Ajou Innovations) Festival will be held. Events for the week include: the (i) 50th anniversary eve festival, which local residents are welcome to attend, (ii) report on the publication of Ajou University’s 50 years of history; (iii) AI and AI-6G Convergence Colloquium series; (iv) 50th anniversary ceremony; (v) international conference commemorating the university’s 50th anniversary; (vi) energy materials symposium; (vii) AI semiconductor conference; (viii) mobility conference, and (ix) Ajou Bio-health Science Fair.# Go to Ajou University 50th anniversary page(From left) President Choi Kee-choo and students Lee Da-yun, Lee Eun-gyeong, and Lee Dong-hyeonStudents looking at items removed from the time capsule.
- 작성자OIA
- 작성일2023-05-16
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President Choi Kee-choo’s interview with the Dong-A Ilbo regarding the 50th anniversary of Ajou University, as well as the university’s achievements, vision, and goals, was carried in the March 3 issue of the newspaper. President Choi described the achievements of Ajou University and commemorative projects for the 50th anniversary; explained how Ajou achieved the best graduate employment rate among domestic universities; spoke about the university’s technology commercialization efforts and internationalization strategy, including Ajou University in Tashkent (AUT); and highlighted the vision of Ajou University and its efforts toward that end. President Choi said, “For the past 50 years, Ajou University has pursued the educational ideals of “respect for humans, seeking truth from fact, one world, one family,” and we will ensure that the upcoming 50 years is an era of creation and innovation.”He added, “As president, I am meeting alumni working in various fields to attract donations through the ‘President Is Leading’ event, and I hope many graduates of Ajou will join this drive for the future of Ajou University.” Ajou University marks its 50th anniversary on April 12. To celebrate, the university established the slogan “A+ for the World” and has prepared 25 commemorative projects in five categories: education, research, international cooperation, culture, and history.# Go to article on interview with Dong-A Ilbo# [Ajou Insight] Overview of all projects celebrating 50th anniversary of Ajou University
- 작성자OIA
- 작성일2023-05-16
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Members of Ajou University delivered a donation to the Gyeonggi-do branch of the Korean Red Cross to help Türkiye and Syria, which sustained serious damages from a major earthquake. On February 28, Ajou University delivered a relief donation of KRW 16,155,000 to the Gyeonggi-do branch of the Korean Red Cross to help earthquake victims in Türkiye and Syria. The contribution will be used for emergency relief supplies and support for site recovery.The university conducted a fundraising campaign among professors, staff, and students from February 14 to 20 to help Türkiye and Syria recover from the damages. A total of KRW 16,155,000 was collected from 381 people.Meanwhile, to help Turkish students of Ajou University recover from the shock and hear about the damages suffered by their families and friends, a meeting with Turkish students was arranged.On February 23, President Choi Kee-choo met with Turkish students in his office. There are 10 Turkish students at Ajou University on exchange student programs or in undergraduate and graduate courses. Ajou University maintains sisterhood relationships with three Turkish universities, including Erciyes University. President Choi said, “I extend my deepest condolences to the people who lost family members, friends, and homes, and I hope this donation, coming from the hearts of Ajou members, will be of some help. We will also provide all necessary assistance to the Turkish students attending this university.”A Turkish student named Ozer Zeynep (Korean name: Kang Bora) studying in the graduate school of the Department of Korean Language and Literature said, “I am grateful for the university’s care and assistance for Turkish students. On behalf of all Turkish students here, I would like to thank Korean citizens, including the Ajou family, for their consolation, donation, and other substantial aid.”#Picture above: (from left) Kim Kyungrai, Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs, and Lee Jae-jeong, president of the Gyeonggi-do branch of the Korean Red CrossPresident Choi Kee-choo meeting with Turkish students at Ajou University.
- 작성자OIA
- 작성일2023-05-16
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From April 10 to 14, Ajou University held various academic events across campus to commemorate its 50th anniversary as part of the ai (Ajou Innovations) Festival.On April 11, the “AI and AI-6G Convergence Colloquium Series” was held in the auditorium of Dasan Hall. The event was hosted by the Department of Artificial Intelligence and Department of AI Convergence Network of the Graduate School of Ajou University and BK project teams. Leading scholars in AI research were invited to give presentations. The invited lecturers were: Prof. Kim Sun (Seoul National University, Department of Computer Science and Engineering), Choi Jaesik (Graduate School of AI at KAIST, Director of Explainable Artificial Intelligence Center), Prof. Lee Seong Whan (Distinguished University Professor, Korea University), Prof. Cho Sung-bae (Dean, Graduate School of AI, Yonsei University; Chairman of AI Technology Council, Ministry of Science and ICT), and Prof. Shin HyunJung (Department of Industrial Engineering, Ajou University; President of Education Committee, Intelligence Society, Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers). The topics spanned ChatGPT, AI, and deep learning models, among others. [KH1]On April 13 and 14, great scholars, including Nobel Prize laureates, participated in online and offline lectures and conferences on emerging industries, an area in which Ajou University is particularly strong.The “Global Lecture Series: Lecture by Winners of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry and Energy Materials Symposium” was held in the auditorium of Yeonam Hall from 10:00 a.m. on April 13. Prof. David William Cross MacMillan of Princeton University, winner of the 2021 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, gave a lecture titled “The Development of Organocatalysis and the Pathway to a Nobel Prize.” Prof. MacMillan talked about his academic journey, experiences, and trial and error before and after he received the Nobel Prize as well as his research, including his work on asymmetric organocatalysis. On the afternoon of April 13, the AI Semiconductor Conference and Mobility Conference followed. At the AI Semiconductor Conference, Kang Sung-Mo, former president of KAIST, and other specialists in AI and system semiconductors served as speakers. At the Mobility Conference, Prof. S.C. Wong of Hong Kong University, a world-renowned scholar in transportation, and Prof. Mohamed Abdel-Aty of the University of Central Florida gave presentations. On April 14, the last day of the anniversary week, the Ajou Bio-Health Science Research Fair took place in the auditorium of Yeonam Hall. Ajou University researchers who are devoted to commercialization based on basic research, along with academics and industry specialists, were invited to introduce their latest research and aspirations for the bio-health sector. Winner of the 2022 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, Prof. Carolyn R. Bertozzi of Stanford University, gave a lecture titled “Bioorthogonal Chemistry, from Basic Science to Clinical Translation,” followed by presentations and discussions of Korean researchers on anti-cancer medications, drug delivery systems, and drug and treatment development using big data and artificial intelligence.On April 10 and 11, the 50th anniversary eve festival was held, featuring food trucks, flea markets, performances, and film screenings organized by the student council. On April 14, a community medical volunteering event was conducted by the medical volunteers club of Ajou University Hospital. From 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., professors, medical residents, and nurses of Ajou University Hospital provided treatment in internal medicine, otolaryngology, rehabilitation medicine, orthopedics, and dentistry to foreigners and disadvantaged residents. CPR education was also conducted for members of Ajou University.Prof. Cho Sung-bae, Yonsei University, giving a presentation on deep learning models and industrial applications at the AI and AI-6G Convergence Colloquium SeriesProf. Mohamed Abdel-Aty, giving a lecture on traffic safety in urban mobility systems at the Mobility ConferenceProf. Carolyn R. Bertozzi, Stanford University, winner of the 2022 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, giving a lecture at the Ajou Bio-Health Science Research FairAn Ajou University student asking a question to a speaker after a lectureCPR training for Ajou members during the community medical volunteering activities Scene of the student festival held during the 50th anniversary eve festival* Picture above: Prof. David William Cross MacMillan, Department of Chemistry at Princeton University, 2021 Nobel Prize laureate in Chemistry, giving a lecture titled “The Development of Organocatalysis and the Pathway to a Nobel Prize”
- 작성자OIA
- 작성일2023-04-28
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A ceremony to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the founding of Ajou University was held with about 1,000 participants, including students, alumni, professors, employees, representatives of major institutions, and domestic and foreign university officials.The ceremony was held in the auditorium of Yeonam Hall at 14:00 on April 12. With Park Seon-yeong as emcee, the ceremony proceeded in the order of: (i) the pledge of allegiance to the nation; (ii) introduction of guests; (iii) report on the university’s 50-year history (Kim Kyungrai, Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs); (iv) commemorative address (Ajou University President Choi Kee-choo); (v) words of encouragement (President Choo Ho Suk of the Daewoo Educational Foundation); (vi) congratulatory address (online and on-site); (vii) granting of awards; (viii) Ajou Vision 5.0 announcement (General Manager Kang Mincheol of the Office of Planning and Coordination) and declaration (Ajou family); (iv) unveiling of the Ajou 50th Anniversary Wall; and (x) singing of the school song in union and celebratory performance (Suwon City Chorale). The event was broadcast live via YouTube. First, Kim Kyungrai, Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs, took the stage and introduced Ajou’s 50 years of history. Ajou University was inaugurated in 1973 with the cooperation of the Korean and French governments as “Ajou Engineering Junior College” and upgraded to an engineering college in December 1973 and a university in 1980. In 1981, the university’s graduate school was established, and in 1988, the medical college was created. In the 2000s, the colleges of nursing and pharmacy were opened. In 2009, the Graduate School of Law, the first of its kind in Gyeonggi Province, was established. Executive Vice President Kim Kyungrai presented the 50 years of Ajou university in four periods: (i) establishment of the university and its initial development (1973-1980); (ii) growth of the university (1981-1999); (iii) challenges faced by the university and establishment of a foundation for achieving self-reliance (2000-2011); and (iv) fostering of the university’s sustainability and seeking of new direction for growth (2012-present). After the outline of the school’s history, a celebratory video clip was played to show the history, spirit, and achievements of Ajou University over the past 50 years. In his congratulatory address, President Choi Kee-choo said, “The 50th anniversary of Ajou University is a milestone that has been achieved with the dedication of our students, alumni, professors, and staff. Starting as a small university, Ajou University has grown to become one of Korea’s major universities and a pivotal institution that contributes to the local community through the establishment and operation of Ajou University Hospital.”President Choi continued, “Ajou’s history of 50 years has been a history of facing and overcoming challenges, and the upcoming 50 years should be a history of creation and innovation. Going forward, Ajou will grow as a university that plays a leading role in the world beyond Korea and works to serve humanity.” President Choo Ho Suk of the Daewoo Educational Foundation said in his words of encouragement, “Ajou University has explored and developed in its own ways over the past 50 years. In the early years after the university’s foundation, young and enthusiastic faculty and smart students established Ajou’s reputation as ‘a university with excellent education,’ breaking records with their numerous innovations.”He delivered a message of congratulations and appreciation, saying, “All of the Ajou members present here today are the heroes and heroines of Ajou’s 50 years of history.”Dignitaries who did not attend the event sent their congratulations via video clips. Governor Kim Dong-yeon of Gyeonggi Province, who served as the 15th president of Ajou University, sent a congratulatory message while on a business trip in the United States. Mayor Lee Jae-jun of Suwon Special City and President Maurie McInnis of Stony Brook University sent words of congratulations in the form of images. Governor Kim Dong-yeon said, “I remember my service at Ajou University as a pleasant and rewarding time. I firmly believe that Ajou University will continue to prosper as it has so far, and I will provide my utmost support for Ajou as a permanent Ajou member.” President Hong Won-hwa of Kyungpook National University; National Assembly member Park Kwang-on; Yeom Tae-young, Vice Governor of Economic Affairs, Gyeonggi Province, and Acting President Ling San of Nanyang Technological University in Singapore took turns rising to the stage to deliver messages of congratulations.Awards for the 50th anniversary were presented to the French Embassy in Korea (certificate of merit); Suwon Special City, Gyeonggi Province (special award); and Ajou Alumni Association (plaque of appreciation). Ludovic Guillot, cultural councilor at the French Embassy in Korea, and Choi Jung-won[KH1], president of the Ajou Alumni Association, on behalf of Philippe Lefort, French ambassador in Korea, and Ajou alumni, respectively, came to the stage to extend their congratulations. Director Park Sa-seung of Suwon Special City’s Planning and Coordination Office and Yeom Tae-young, Vice Governor for Economic Affairs, Gyeonggi Province, were present to accept the awards on behalf of Suwon City and Gyeonggi Province, respectively.This was followed by an explanation of and declaration ceremony for Ajou Vision 5.0, Ajou University’s long-term development strategy. General Manager Kang Mincheol of the Office of Planning and Coordination took the stage to explain the background and content of Ajou Vision 5.0, which is made up of 25 strategic tasks in education, research, university-industry cooperation, and global sectors with the goal of making Ajou a university that explores the future through value creation and innovation. The Ajou Vision 5.0 declaration ceremony was attended by Ajou President Choi Kee-choo; President Lee Hyo-seong of the Student Council; President Lee Jae-ho of the Professors Council; Cho Jae-hyeon, president of a labor union branch; President Choi Jung-won of the Ajou Alumni Association; Lee Beom-jae, an alumnus of the class of 1973; Kim Hyeon-seung, a student of the class of 2023; Prof. Kim Hyungyoon, newly appointed in 2023; and Kim Hyo-jeong, a staff member.Meanwhile, in the afternoon, an international conference was held as part of “50th Anniversary of Ajou Week: ai (Ajou Innovations) Festival,” with Prof. Kim Tae-bong of the Department of Economics as a host. Thomas Frey, an American futurist, the founder and executive director of the Davinci Institute, gave a keynote lecture on the theme of “The future of university.” In addition, Ajou President Choi Kee-choo, Acting President Ling San of Nanyang Technological University in Singapore, President Hong Won-hwa of Kyungpook National University, and Director Choi Eun-hee of the Ministry of Education’s Human Resources Division gave presentations on the role and innovation of universities in the future. Thomas Frey said, “Universities need to foster a collaborative learning environment where teamwork and leadership can be cultivated, going beyond traditional education, and should provide an educational environment that enables education based on coaching and experience and nurtures an understanding of cultural diversity.” Lastly, alumni researchers of Ajou University currently working at overseas universities introduced cases of global university innovations and presented suggestions. The researchers were: Prof. Yun Hyun Jung, Texas State University (Department of Political Science and Diplomacy, 1996); Prof. Hwang Jaejin, Northern Illinois University (Department of Industrial Engineering, 2003); Prof. Lim Keun-Woo, Télécom Paris (Department of Software and Computer Engineering, 2003); Prof. Lee Jaeyoung, Central South University, China (Department of Transportation Systems Engineering, 2000); and Prof. Park SaeJune, Queen Mary University of London (Department of Physics, 2008).Guests at the 50th anniversary ceremony.President Choi Kee-choo presenting Ajou University’s 50-year history and future directions in his congratulatory address.Unveiling ceremony for the Ajou 50th Anniversary Wall in the lobby of Yulgok Hall, broadcast live concurrently with the 50th anniversary ceremony.Gyeonggi Province Governor Kim Dong-yeon, 15th president of Ajou University, sharing words of congratulations while on a business trip in the United States.Followed by the event, executives including Ajou University President Choi Kee-choo and Daewoo Institute Director Choo Ho Suk.Ajou International Conference, held after the 50th anniversary ceremony.* The picture at the very top shows the Ajou Vision 5.0 declaration ceremony, which was attended by: President Choi Kee-choo; President Lee Hyo-seong of the Student Council; President Lee Jae-ho of the Professors Council; Cho Jae-hyeon, president of a labor union branch; President Choi Jung-won of the Ajou Alumni Association; Lee Beom-jae, an alumnus of the class of 1973; Kim Hyeon-seung, a student of the class of 2023; Prof. Kim Hyungyoon, newly appointed in 2023; and Kim Hyo-jeong, a staff member. # 50th anniversary of Ajou University and Ajou DNA! – Go to commemorative video clip
- 작성자OIA
- 작성일2023-04-20
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Official statistics for 2022 place Ajou University's graduate employment rate at 72.4%, the second-highest among 4-year universities producing at least 2,000 graduates a year.The Ministry of Education updated its Higher Education in Korea website with the official university information for 2022. The 2021 employment rates specified concern students who graduated in August 2020 and February 2021. According to the updated information, 64.2% of graduates of 4-year universities found employment. That figure represents an increase of 3.1% over the previous year's 61.1%.Of the 2,190 Ajou University students who graduated in August 2020 and February 2021, 72.4% found employment. High employment rates were seen among medical (95.1%), pharmacy (90%), and nursing (83.7%) graduates, as well as those finishing engineering (81.6%) and information and communications (77.5%).By department, high employment rates were identified in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering (88.9%), Department of Software and Computer Engineering (82.5%), Department of Mechanical Engineering (82%), Department of Transportation Systems Engineering (81.5%), Department of Architecture (80.6%), Department of Industrial Engineering (80.3%), Department of Environmental and Safety Engineering (76.5%), Department of Applied Chemistry and Biological Engineering (75.5%), Department of Chemical Engineering (75%), Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (74.1%), Department of Digital Media (73.5%), and Department of Cyber Security (73%). The employee retention rate among Ajou University grads, an indicator of quality of employment, was found to be 88.4% (Cycle 4: 12 months into employment)—the highest among Korean universities. Employee retention rates are calculated from percentages of health insurance holders who retain employment, at the end of each of 4 cycles, identified as 3, 6, 9, and 12 months into employment. The rule of thumb is the higher the employee retention rate the greater the stability enjoyed by graduates at work.The announced Ajou University graduate employment rate of 72.4% is the second-highest among all 4-year universities in Korea producing at least 2,000 graduates a year, and the highest among 4-year universities producing at least 2,000 graduates in Gyeonggi Province. Nationally, the highest graduate employment rate was achieved by Sungkyunkwan University (78.5%). Following Ajou University’s 72.4% was Yonsei University (71.4%), Hanyang University (71.4%), Seoul National University (71.1%), Chung-Ang University (70.3%), Korea University (70.1%), Inha University (69.8%), Hanyang University Education Research Industry Cluster at Ansan (69.5%), and University of Seoul (69.2%). Ajou University runs the Career Plus Center to help students, in any year of study, find employment through a range of well-structured support programs that accommodate their individual needs and make the best of what Ajou University has to offer. Students are mentored at the Center to develop their job skills and have ready access to career guidance counseling. The Career Care program provides assistance to graduates who have not yet found work and those who are working but have job-related concerns.Visit the Ajou University Career Plus Center Website
- 작성자김지원
- 작성일2023-03-17
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Ajou University’s President Choi Kee-choo and the Ajou University group Leaders in Industry-University Cooperation 3.0 (LINC 3.0) participated in the Consumer Electronics Show 2023 (CES 2023), which took place in Las Vegas from December 5th to 8th.CES 2023 saw the participation of about 3,100 businesses, including global companies and startups from 174 countries, and the attendance of some 110,000 visitors. The main themes of the event were Transportation and Mobility, Digital Health, Web3 and Metaverse, and Sustainability and Human Security for All.The CES ranks as the world’s most influential ICT and appliances expo, along with Germany’s Internationale Funkausstellung Berlin (IFA) and Spain’s Mobile World Congress (MWC), and is a beehive of global innovation. Cutting-edge technologies in ICT and beyond that are lifting the boundaries between the automotive, aviation, aerospace, and food industries are introduced at the CES, commanding the world's attention at every annual event.At CES 2023, Ajou University and LINC 3.0 ran the booth of LightWeight Inc., a startup founded by two Ajou University students. LINC 3.0, led by Kim Sangin, director of the Ajou University Industry-Academic Cooperation Foundation, introduced Ajou University, the LINC 3.0 project, and the value the former creates through the latter, while LightWeight demonstrated LightOne, its proprietary "smart artificial load weight with an AI personal trainer."Launched by Lee Seunghyun and Lee Donggeon two Ajou University electronic engineering students, LightWeight is a subsidiary of N4U Tech Holding Inc. (a joint technology holdings company operating under Ajou University) and is a resident of Ajou University Business Incubation Center. The two Lees took advantage of the startup support devices Ajou University has in place, including a framework which allows students with drive to structure and execute their own learning and development and earn the commensurate credits, to develop smart artificial load weight, a smart healthcare solution which allows the user to use custom weights of a greater range of precision and convenience in weight adjustment according to individual needs during machine exercise.Ajou University screened a pool of companies seeking to participate in CES 2023, providing support for those selected in terms of the products they had for exhibit.While at CES 2023, President Choi checked in with the Ajou University participants, and toured the expo with accompanying Korean and foreign officials. He also attended the CES 2023-Linked Industrial-Academic Cooperation Seminar, organized by the National Research Foundation of Korea to coincide with CES 2023, which was also attended by Korean university and Ministry of Education officials, as well as startup, management, and consulting professionals. Notable proceedings included presentations on models for effective industrial-academic cooperation and innovation in industrial-academic cooperation, as well as actual products of these models.Also included in President Choi's US itinerary was visits to potential local university partners in exchange and cooperation.<Demonstration of LightOne, a smart healthcare solution by LightWeight, a student startup>* Image source : Official CES 2023 website, LINC 3.0* Top image : From left, Professor Lee Yong-ju of ACES Mobility ICC, Professor Lee Jooyeoun of Smart Energy ICC, CEO Lee Seunghyun of LightWeight, President Choi Kee-choo, Director Lee Donggeon of LightWeight, Director Kim Sangin of the Ajou University Industry-Academic Cooperation Foundation and LINC 3.0, Team Leader Lim Goonjin of the Industry-Academic Business Team
- 작성자OIA
- 작성일2023-03-17
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- 동영상동영상
Volkswagen Group Korea donated an Audi vehicle to Ajou University, which will be used for educational and research purposes by the departments participating in the Convergence and Open Sharing System.The donation ceremony took place at Kookmin University on November 29, 2022 with Volkswagen Group Korea President, Till Scheer, President Yim Hong Jae of Kookmin University, and other officials in attendance. Representing Ajou University at the ceremony was Song Bongsob, Dean of the Department of AI Mobility Engineering, which is participating in the Convergence and Open Sharing System, a national project aimed at bringing universities together to develop advanced technology professionals. The Department of AI Mobility Engineering is participating in the Convergence and Open Sharing System in the category of Future Mobility.The donation was an outcome of a drive for industrial-academic cooperation between Volkswagen Group Korea and a Convergence and Open Sharing System consortium. Donated vehicles will be used by four universities participating in the Convergence and Open Sharing System: Ajou University, Kookmin University, Keimyung University, and Chungbuk National University.The vehicle Ajou University will be using is an Audi A6 50 TDI Quattro (above image center) which will be utilized as a learning asset by the Department of AI Mobility Engineering, newly established this year at Ajou University, with next year scheduled as its first year of operation. The vehicle will be put to good use for research and practical learning.Ajou University was selected by the Ministry of Education to participate in the Convergence and Open Sharing System in the category of Future Mobility. The System promotes shared access to advanced technology learning resources dispersed across different universities, and cooperation between businesses, research entities, academic societies, and civilian organizations towards development of core human resources on a national level. Forty-six universities were selected to participate in the eight areas of AI, Big Data, Next-Generation Semiconductors, Future Mobility, Bio Health, Immersive Media, Intelligent Robots, and Energy Industry.A consortium of six universities—Ajou University, Kookmin University, Keimyung University, Sun Moon University, Inha University, Chungbuk National University, and Daelim University—will work in the Future Mobility category. The consortium's participation in the Convergence and Open Sharing System is headed by Kookmin University. From Ajou University, the Department of Transportation Systems Engineering, Department of AI Mobility Engineering, and Department of Mechanical Engineering are participating, together led by Yun Ilsoo, a professor in the Department of Transportation Systems Engineering.<Ajou University students driving test vehicles equipped with advanced sensors. Ajou University uses a number of real vehicles for practical learning and research.># Ajou University YouTube Channel - Introduction of the New Department of AI Mobility Engineering# Official Ajou University Blog - Blog Post: Introduction of the New Department of AI Mobility Engineering and Reading Recommendations
- 작성자OIA
- 작성일2023-03-17
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- 동영상동영상