Ajou News

NEW ai Festival held during Ajou’s 50th anniversary week, featuring a variety of academic events

  • 2023-04-28
  • 3263

From April 10 to 14, Ajou University held various academic events across campus to commemorate its 50th anniversary as part of the ai (Ajou Innovations) Festival.

On April 11, the “AI and AI-6G Convergence Colloquium Series” was held in the auditorium of Dasan Hall. The event was hosted by the Department of Artificial Intelligence and Department of AI Convergence Network of the Graduate School of Ajou University and BK project teams. Leading scholars in AI research were invited to give presentations.  

The invited lecturers were: Prof. Kim Sun (Seoul National University, Department of Computer Science and Engineering), Choi Jaesik (Graduate School of AI at KAIST, Director of Explainable Artificial Intelligence Center), Prof. Lee Seong Whan (Distinguished University Professor, Korea University), Prof. Cho Sung-bae (Dean, Graduate School of AI, Yonsei University; Chairman of AI Technology Council, Ministry of Science and ICT), and Prof. Shin HyunJung (Department of Industrial Engineering, Ajou University; President of Education Committee, Intelligence Society, Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers). The topics spanned ChatGPT, AI, and deep learning models, among others. [KH1]

On April 13 and 14, great scholars, including Nobel Prize laureates, participated in online and offline lectures and conferences on emerging industries, an area in which Ajou University is particularly strong.

The “Global Lecture Series: Lecture by Winners of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry and Energy Materials Symposium” was held in the auditorium of Yeonam Hall from 10:00 a.m. on April 13. Prof. David William Cross MacMillan of Princeton University, winner of the 2021 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, gave a lecture titled “The Development of Organocatalysis and the Pathway to a Nobel Prize.” Prof. MacMillan talked about his academic journey, experiences, and trial and error before and after he received the Nobel Prize as well as his research, including his work on asymmetric organocatalysis. 

On the afternoon of April 13, the AI Semiconductor Conference and Mobility Conference followed. At the AI Semiconductor Conference, Kang Sung-Mo, former president of KAIST, and other specialists in AI and system semiconductors served as speakers. At the Mobility Conference, Prof. S.C. Wong of Hong Kong University, a world-renowned scholar in transportation, and Prof. Mohamed Abdel-Aty of the University of Central Florida gave presentations. 

On April 14, the last day of the anniversary week, the Ajou Bio-Health Science Research Fair took place in the auditorium of Yeonam Hall. Ajou University researchers who are devoted to commercialization based on basic research, along with academics and industry specialists, were invited to introduce their latest research and aspirations for the bio-health sector. Winner of the 2022 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, Prof. Carolyn R. Bertozzi of Stanford University, gave a lecture titled “Bioorthogonal Chemistry, from Basic Science to Clinical Translation,” followed by presentations and discussions of Korean researchers on anti-cancer medications, drug delivery systems, and drug and treatment development using big data and artificial intelligence.

On April 10 and 11, the 50th anniversary eve festival was held, featuring food trucks, flea markets, performances, and film screenings organized by the student council. On April 14, a community medical volunteering event was conducted by the medical volunteers club of Ajou University Hospital. From 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., professors, medical residents, and nurses of Ajou University Hospital provided treatment in internal medicine, otolaryngology, rehabilitation medicine, orthopedics, and dentistry to foreigners and disadvantaged residents. CPR education was also conducted for members of Ajou University.

Prof. Cho Sung-bae, Yonsei University, giving a presentation on deep learning models and industrial applications at the AI and AI-6G Convergence Colloquium Series

Prof. Mohamed Abdel-Aty, giving a lecture on traffic safety in urban mobility systems at the Mobility Conference

Prof. Carolyn R. Bertozzi, Stanford University, winner of the 2022 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, giving a lecture at the Ajou Bio-Health Science Research Fair

An Ajou University student asking a question to a speaker after a lecture

CPR training for Ajou members during the community medical volunteering activities 

Scene of the student festival held during the 50th anniversary eve festival

* Picture above: 

Prof. David William Cross MacMillan, Department of Chemistry at Princeton University, 2021 Nobel Prize laureate in Chemistry, giving a lecture titled “The Development of Organocatalysis and the Pathway to a Nobel Prize”