Ajou News

NEW [16.11.10] A delegation led by the Chairman of China's SIAS International University visits Ajou to discuss bilateral co

  • 2016-11-17
  • 22878

A delegation led by the Chairman of China's SIAS International University visits Ajou to discuss bilateral cooperation


A delegation led by Chairman Shawn Chen of China's SIAS International University visited Ajou University on November 9th to discuss bilateral cooperation.

The delegation was welcomed by Chairman Ho Seok Choo and Executive Director Yeong Hyeon Lee from the Daewoo Educational Foundation and Dean Moon Sook Yoo of the College of Nursing and Vice President for International Affairs Byung Chun So from Ajou University.

Established through a partnership between China and the U.S., SIAS International University is known to have an educational system that best meets global standards in China. Chairman Shawn Chen said, "SIAS is a young university. Like Ajou, it is striving to become a prominent university in Asia. We would like to have exchanges with Ajou's College of Engineering and College of Nursing," adding, "We are also interested in establishing dual degree courses in undergraduate and graduate schools, along with cooperation in Korean language education, which we are working to designate as a second foreign language."

Chairman Choo said, "Ajou has been pursuing globalization as an important goal. I look forward to mutual cooperation in the related fields between our two universities, considering that our School of Medicine, College of Nursing, and University Hospital are at the highest level in South Korea." Dean Yoo of the College of Nursing said, "Nursing has similar operational systems around the world," adding, "It is a great idea for our two universities to begin with short-term exchange programs for students and professors."