Ajou News

NEW [16.11.08] Ajou's 'Career Mentoring with the President' Begins on November 7th

  • 2016-11-15
  • 22095

Ajou's 'Career Mentoring with the President' Begins on November 7th 


'Career Mentoring with the President' began on the afternoon of November 7th in the Counseling Office of the Creative University Job Center at Ajou University as part of the 'Cheer Up Change Up' Project – a program aimed at effectively supporting students in finding jobs and exploring careers.

The mentoring is conducted based on prior applications from students who are having issues related to their life and career. Any of the University’s students, including graduates, can apply and the Colleges take turns holding mentoring sessions. After the first session by the College of Social Sciences on November 7th, the College of Humanities will arrange the second one on the 22nd and the School of Business Administration, the College of Natural Sciences, the College of Information Technology, the College of Engineering, and the College of Pharmacy will follow.

The first mentoring was held was held from 2:30 to 3:50 p.m., with six students – two groups of three including a graduate – participating. Only the students, President Dong Yeon Kim, and the relevant consultants attended in consideration of the students' privacy.

A student who participated in the mentoring session said, "I was a little nervous because I had never talked with the President in person, but it was great that he gave advice tailored to each student," adding, "He helped me look at my issues from a different perspective. I would recommend it to other students."

President Kim said, "The University began the 'Cheer Up Change Up Project' in an effort to share the responsibility with students in exploring their careers and finding jobs," adding, "This mentoring is part of the Project and I chose to provide advice myself to be of help to students."