Ajou News

NEW Ajou University President Choi Meets U.S. University Heads to Discuss Cooperation

  • 2023-02-20
  • 2818

President Choi Kee-choo of Ajou University visited the Midwestern United States and the state of Florida where he discussed exchanges and partnerships with local university heads.

On an itinerary lasting from April 26 to May 11 last year, President Choi visited the University of South Florida, University of Central Florida, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, University of Wisconsin-Madison, and the University of Michigan.

He met with university presidents and key officials, and was given tours of a variety of university facilities for students. Among the topics discussed with the university management teams were student exchange programs, including internships at Ajou University, MOUs for education and research partnerships, and opportunities for international joint research in biomedicine, intelligent semiconductors, advanced and new materials, mobility, and other promising fields.

President Choi signed an MOU with President Alexander Cartwright of the University of Central Florida on the understanding that the two universities would actively cooperate in education and research. The MOU will activate exchange programs for researchers and postgraduate students, and establish the structure for discovering joint research tasks. The scope of cooperation will broaden over time.

At the University of Wisconsin-Madison, President Choi met with Dean Ian Robertson and Executive Associate Dean David Noyce of the College of Engineering and Dean Robert Golden of the School of Medicine and Public Health, and discussed foreign internships at universities and companies in Korea, student visits over break periods, exchanges between the two universities’ colleges, and other partnership opportunities.

In a meeting with Dean Alec Gallimore of the College of Engineering at the University of Michigan, President Choi gained an understanding of potential student and researcher exchanges. The two agreed that both their universities would do well to continuously cooperate in a number of promising areas, including mobility, and agreed to come up with concrete plans for student exchanges and visits, joint research at graduate level or higher, faculty joint research, and other fruitful activities.

Communication will take place between the concerned faculties of Ajou University and the American universities to work out the details of the partnership activities to take place. 

With Dean Ian Robertson and Executive Associate Dean David Noyce of the College of Engineering at the University of Wisconsin-Madison

With Dean Alec Gallimore of the College of Engineering at the University of Michigan

# Top image: With President Alexander Cartwright of the University of Central Florida