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[세미나/포럼] [2015.11.6. 금] 2015-2학기 제4회 수학과 colloquium 일정

  • 세미나/포럼
  • 교내
  • 윤혜주
  • 2015-11-02

2015-2학기 제4회 수학과 colloquium 일정을 안내해 드립니다.


[2015학년도 2학기 제4회 수학과 Colloquium]

강연제목 : Rational curves on varieties and their applications

연     사 : 임보해 교수  [중앙대학교 수학과]

일     시 : 11월 6일(금요일) 오후 5:00-6:00

장     소 : 팔달관 621호

강연초록 :We give some constructions of a rational curve in the quotients of products of elliptic curves by the alternating group. The most recent related result which is a joint work with Michael Larsen is the following : For an abelian variety $A$ and a finite group $G$ of automorphisms of $A$, if $G$ contains an element whose action on $\Lie(A)$ has an invariant subspace of codimension $2$, we show that the quotient $A/G$ contains a uniruled hypersurface. Also we introduce its application to the rank  problem of elliptic curves.




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