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[기타] On-Campus Immigration Service on March 13th, Spring 2015

On-Campus Immigration Service on March 13th, Spring 2015

We’d like to inform you that Immigration Officers will visit our campus. All new international students can apply for Alien Registration by visiting on-campus immigration service on Mar.13th or by visiting Suwon Immigration Office individually.


[On-Campus Immigration Service]

When : March 13th(Fri), 09:30 - 16:30 (Please arrive before 16:00)

Where : Yulgok Hall Room 151(Visual Conference Room)

Things to bring :

1. Passport & A copy of Passport and Visa

2. 1 color photo (size : 3.5cm*4.5cm, white background taken within 6 months)

3. Completed Application form (Attachment)

4. Certificate of Enrollment (issued at Ajou Service Center, cost: KRW 500)

5. Health and Medical Clearance form (required to the below 16 countries nationals only)

    - The designated 16 coutries are : China, Sri Lanka, Russia, Uzbekistan, Thailand, Vietnam, India, Nepal,

      Indonesia, Pakistan, Mongolia, Bangladesh, the Philippines, Myanmar, Cambodia, and Malaysia

6. Fee : KRW 30,000

* On-campus service will be restricted to receive up to 200 applications only in order of arrival. First Come, first served. And Application forms are accepted by 16:00.
* Plus, on that day(Alien registration), there will be another services regarding Extension of Visa and Change of Visa(Only, D4->D2. Limited for students who get D4 Visa when you entered Ajou Language institute)


When students are not able to come to the above date or students plan to travel in early April, students have to visit the immigration office on their own after making an on-line reservation and apply individually to receive an alien registration card before April(processing time : 3-4 weeks).

Without reservation, waiting time at the immigration office normally takes about 3-4 hours due to heavy traffic at the immigration office specially in the beginning of semester, and students are highly encourage to come on-campus immigration service or online reservation visiting.

Students can make an on-line reservation for Alien registration application at www.hikorea.go.kr (should make a member ID first and Click reservation).


- Office of Graduate School -