ENG637 CAT입문 (Introduction to CAT)
This course aims to give prospective translators the knowledge and ability to use the diverse technological tools that are increasingly required in today’s fast-changing environment. The improved quality of the translations produced by machine translation is resulting in more people using such systems. The use of translation memory and other Computer-Aided Translation (CAT) tools is becoming increasingly common in translation industry. Translators’ ability to carry out machine translation post-editing (MTPE) and use CAT tools is becoming a factor with a significant effect on their professional capability. This course thus gives students a solid conceptual and practical background on CAT and MTPE as well as the ability to oversee projects that utilize such technologies.
ENG630 과학기술번역 (Science and Technology Translation)
This course covers the process by which texts on science and technology are translated, including how to use terminology and rhetoric and choose appropriate translation strategies. Students will practice translating texts in diverse areas of science and technology to get a sense of how to deal with the writing style, syntax, terminology, and register. They will also learn how to write various kinds of technical documents, including user manuals, reports, and academic papers.
ENG620 멀티미디어번역 (Multimedia Translation)
The changes taking place in the media landscape is transforming translation modes and processes, as well as the ways in which translation is perceived. Students taking this course will explore evolving modes of translation and examine translation issues in connection to global flows of culture, streaming platforms, fandom practices, and multimodality.
ENG622 문학번역 (Literary Translation)
This course examines literary translation from the perspective of cultural exchanges, translation history, and the circulation and reception of books within the world literary systems. It also explores key issues and topics on literary translation in different cultural contexts through theoretical analyses of various literary translation cases.
ENG612 번역과 문화 (Translation and Culture)
This course focuses on the interaction between translation and culture. Students will examine the ways in which translation influences, and is influenced by, cultural transmission and representation, the production and dissemination of knowledge of cultures, power dynamic between the two cultures/languages in question, and the impact of English as an international language.
ENG615 번역과 사회 (Translation and Society)
This course examines translation as a socially situated act and investigates the ways in which structural factors and translator’s agency impacts the translation process. Amid a recent increase in studies analyzing translation and interpreting from sociological perspectives, this course focuses on analyzing the fluid relationship between translation/interpreting and social situations. It explores the relationship between translation/interpreting and socio-historical factors from the perspectives of translator’s agency, power structures, ideology, and language/translation policy. Through such explorations, the course conducts an in-depth analysis of today’s translation environment.
ENG624 번역비평 (Translation Criticism)
This course studies topics in translation criticism and evaluation. In particular, it highlights the problems of the translation process by analyzing and assessing translation methods and strategies in published translations.
ENG631 번역프로젝트 (Translation Practicum)
This course gives students the experience of managing large translation projects, creating and using a terminology database, and negotiating with clients through a virtual reenactment of the typical work environment of a translation company and in which large projects are undertaken. It aims to ensure that students are capable of entering the workforce immediately after graduation.
ENG626 번역학 세미나 (Translation Studies Seminar)
In this course, students carry out in-depth research on the latest topics and issues in translation studies.
ENG610 번역학 입문 (Introduction to Translation Studies)
This course explores the core concepts of translation studies, the many problems that arise in relation to translation, and various explanations of the act of translation. Students will learn the process by which translation studies has become an independent area of study and the research topics of the field that are relevant today.
ENG623 번역학 주제 연구 (Special Topics in Translation Studies)
In this course, students conduct a more in-depth exploration of the concepts and problems covered by introductory translation courses. They also analyze topics in translation research that are still hotly debated.
ENG6114 번역학 특강1 (Current Issues in Translation Studies 1)
In this course, students carry out in-depth explorations of themes in translation research, with a focus on analyzing linguistic, cultural, historical, and ethical issues from various perspectives.
ENG6117 번역학 특강2 (Current Issues in Translation Studies 2)
The field of Translation Studies is expanding in scope, with the act of translation growing more complex due to it being not only a sociocultural phenomenon but also a field critically affected by political and technological issues. In this course, students will conduct in-depth investigations of specific topics chosen from a range of linguistic, sociocultural, political, historical, ethical, and technical issues related to translation.
ENG636 산업경제번역 (Translation in Business and Economics)
Through practice with translating texts related to finance, trade, and industry, students will acquire professional skills to deal with terminology in economics and business administration in the process of translation.
ENG6116 영상번역 (Audiovisual Translation)
This course examines theoretical frameworks and concepts related to audiovisual translation. The evolution of media environments is resulting in changes in what constitutes a text in need of translation and how translation is done. Students will explore such topics as translation in cinema, multimodality, fansubbing, remediation, global dissemination of audiovisual products, and reception by viewers.
ENG634 일반번역연습 (Translation Practice in General Topics)
This course offers a survey of translation strategies for diverse genres of text. Students will develop the skills needed to ascertain, analyze, and resolve translation-related problem and acquire the strategies required of a professional translator.
ENG632 전문통역연습1 (Professional Interpreting Practice 1)
Students will acquire the basic skills that are necessary for consecutive interpreting in various professional settings. The goal of this course is enable students to understand different modes and types of consecutive interpreting and to acquire the competence to analyze the source text in terms of text type and structure, terminology, register, and style and to convey it clearly and accurately in the target language.
ENG633 전문통역연습2 (Professional Interpreting Practice 2)
In this course, students will develop their consecutive interpreting skills for various professional situations. The course focuses on analyzing and converting the meanings of the source text and choosing the most appropriate target language terms, register, and style.
ENG6210 코퍼스와 번역학 (Corpus-Based Translation Studies)
In this course, students will learn the basic concepts of corpus linguistics and acquire the skills to use parallel corpus for the purpose of translation research. They will examine various research topics related to building and using corpus to study the characteristics and issues related to translation.
ENG617 통번역과 담화분석 (Translation/Interpreting and Discourse Analysis)
This course deals with discourse-based T&I research. Discourse analysis frameworks are used to analyze the ways in which the translation process influences the logical/rhetorical structures, cultural representation, and the construction of ideologies and power relationships in texts.
ENG6115 통번역교육 (Teaching Translation and Interpreting)
This course explores theories and issues of translation/interpreting education and the development of effective pedagogical methods. Given the increasing demand for translation/interpreting and training in these fields both in Korea and overseas, students will gain a better understanding of the translation/interpreting learner and their motivation as well as processes, abilities, and pedagogical techniques applied in the classroom.
ENG531 통번역을 위한 영어숙달 (Language proficiency for translation and interpreting)
This course aims to improve students’ English proficiency for translation and interpreting in various professional sectors. Students will gain experience with in-depth reading, analyzing, presenting, and restructuring of texts from multiple fields.
ENG611 통번역학연구방법론 (Translation and Interpreting Research Methodology)
Students will examine research methodologies and frameworks used in Translation and Interpreting Studies. The course will provide students with an understanding of research design and processes (reading, evaluating, and developing), quantitative and qualitative research paradigms, and ways to conduct literature reviews, as well as collecting and analyzing data. Based on the analysis of existing research publications on T&I, students will learn to identify, explain, compare, and prepare the key elements of academic publications.
ENG625 통역의 이론과 실제 (Interpreting Theory and Practice)
Students in this course will study theories on and acquire practical skills in interpreting. The course will focus on enabling students to connect theoretical and conceptual issues to interpreting practice. Students will carry out multi-disciplinary research project that links interpreting with “neighboring” areas of study (e.g., linguistics, sociology, communication studies).