• Faculty
  • Academic Affairs Team

Academic Affairs Team

  • Han-Heon Kang (Dept. of AI Convergence Network)

    • Responsibility: General administration of departmental affairs
    • E-mail : hnkang@ajou.ac.kr
    • Telephone : 031-219-2446
    • FAX : 031-219-1621
    • Location: Paldal Building #408-1
  • Soo-Min Kim (Department of AI Convergence Network)

    • Responsibility: Department work
    • E-mail : tnals5146@ajou.ac.kr
    • Telephone : 031-219-2645
    • FAX : 031-219-1621
    • Location: Paldal Building #408-1
  • Sung-Min Kim (BK21 Next Generation Superintelligent Network Convergence Education Research Group)

    • Responsibility : BK21 business
    • E-mail : smkim723@ajou.ac.kr
    • Telephone : 031-219-3647
    • FAX : 031-219-1621
    • Location : Paldal Building #408-1