

Thank you for visiting Ajou University "Department of AI Convergence Network & BK21 Next-Generation Super-Intelligent Network Convergence Education Research Group".

With the state-of-the-art 4th industrial revolution, there is a growing interest in education, research, and industry i.e. in the fields of Data, Network, and Artificial Intelligence (DNA). The competition between domestic and foreign companies and universities is accelerating to secure convergent talents in the field of AI technology and next-generation communication networks.

To keep pace with rapidly changing technologies, Ajou University has established the Department of AI Convergence Network since September 2020 to cultivate professionals with world-class competitiveness in the next-generation communication field. This department consists of 11 faculty members with international research capabilities, preparing “Practically Trained” innovative talent based on strengthening a practical industry-academic cooperation platform. Moreover, the department aims to encourage “Excellently Educated” creative minds based on a global-level curriculum, and research in the core technologies for next-generation communication. To achieve these goals, we will endeavor to promote and encourage “Research Oriented” professionals.

In particular, from year 2020, it is selected again as the 4th stage Brain Korea 21 (BK21) Innovative Talent Cultivation Project-Education Research Center for the next generation communication field, and received 4,634 million won funding from the Ministry of Education for 7 years. We will endeavor to promote global talent by operating student exchange and joint research labs through various international partner universities and research institutes. In addition, we will do our best to create an environment in which students can focus solely on research by actively supporting the tuition and living expenses of graduate students.

We look forward to your continued support for the Department of AI Convergence Network & BK21 Next Generation Superintelligence Network Convergence Education Research Group.

Thank you.

AI Convergence Network Department Head & BK21 Next-Generation Super-Intelligence Network

Convergence Education Research Center

Professor Young-Bae Ko