
[행사] 대학원 인공지능 & AI융합네트워크학과 콜로키엄 개최 안내(3/16)

  • 정보통신대학교학팀
  • 김성민
  • Create Date 2021-03-12
  • Views 3116

< 대학원 인공지능 & AI융합네트워크학과 콜로키엄 개최 안내 >

Artificial Intelligence & AI Convergence Network Colloquium(인공지능 & AI융합네트워크학과 콜로키엄)을 
개최하고자 하오니 관심 있으신 분들은 참석부탁드리겠습니다.

- 주제 : Computer Vision in Ericsson
- 일시 : 2021년 3월 16일 오전 10:30
- 강연자: Principal Data Scientist, Taesuh Park(Ericsson Inc.)

- Abstract :
Wireless connectivity becomes more important than ever as the era of the 5G has arrived. To provide better user
experience, telecommunications companies are actively proposing solutions to increase cell coverage,
enhance throughput, mitigate interference, and reduce latency. Properties of the 5G spectrum band raise
engineering challenges in the network design optimization and network roll-out for scaling up the cellular
networks to another level. Powered by the recent deep learning revolution, Computer Vision is being
adopted to tackle the challenges by resolving bottlenecks of the NDO and NRO.
In this lecture, two recent works of Global AI Accelertor in Ericsson are introduced as the examples of the
computer vision applications in telecommunication domain. For the indoor radio design, a “physics-free”
approach of designing indoor radio dot layout for a floor plan is introduced by formulating it as an image-to
-image translation problem and solved with customized dimension-aware conditional generative adversarial
networks. For the outdoor small cell design, a new way of automating the finding and assessment of poles
is explained.

* Zoom 회의 참가
회의 ID: 929 1501 4830
암호: 3898

**기타 자세한 문의사항은 031-219-3647, 3898로 부탁드립니다.