
[행사] [2022.07.14(Thu)]Next Generation Communication Tutorial 개최 안내

  • 소프트웨어융합대학교학팀
  • 김성민
  • Create Date 2022-07-04
  • Views 1218

< Next Generation Communication Tutorial >

 - When : 2022.07.14(Thu), 13:00~17:00
      : Session 1 (13:00~14:30) : Communication and Networks Basics: In a nutshell
      : Coffee Break (14:30~15:00)
      : Session 2 (15:00~16:30) : Examples
      : Q&A Session (16:30~17:00)
-  Where : 407 Pal-dal Hall
Speaker : Prof. Keun-Woo Lim(Telecom Paris, France)

***신청방법 : 아래의 링크에서 설문지 작성(7월 12일까지 사전신청 필수!!)

- Title : Fundamentals of Wireless Communications and Networks: Everything from physical to software

- Abstract : Knowing about everything in communications and networking nowadays can be a very difficult
thing, as it involves understanding various layers of knowledge including physics, software, data, security,
and even history. However, unbeknownst to us, it has actually been embedded in our everyday lives ever
since we started taking the first steps as a human. It has indeed been a wonderful journey for us, from
evolution of primitive methods to the current utilization of electromagnetic waves, and we now prepare
towards the mysteriousness of the future. In this seminar, we will go back to the most basic fundamentals
of wireless communications and networks and its evolution, how it translates and reflects to the roles of each
layer in the current stack layered architecture, in a way easily understandable to us in comparison to what
we do in our daily lives. With the basics in mind, we will then look into some of the most widely used wireless
specifications, including 5G, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth, and the interaction and integration between these state-of-
the-art technologies.

- Bio : Keun-Woo Lim is currently an associate professor at Telecom Paris, Institut de Polytechnique de Paris,
in France. Keun-Woo acquired his Ph.D in Ajou University, and was a participant in the BK21+ program as a
postdoctoral researcher in 2014, before joining LIP6, Sorbonne University in 2015. He is currently working on
research and students exchange between South Korea and France, with specific research topics including
applications of standardized networking solutions, indoor localization, and integration of software technologies
with communications and networking.

- 세미나 문의 : Prof. Young-Bae Ko(, 219-2432)
* This seminar is a part of a lecture series organized by the BK21 AI Convergence Network, within the Korea-
   France collaboration spearheaded by the Software department of Ajou University and INFRES of Telecom