교육 학부



SOC101  사회학개론 (Introduction to Sociology)
SOC1110  사회학원론1 (The principles of Sociology1)
SOC1111  사회학원론2 (The principles of Sociology2)
SOC211  사회학이론 (Sociological Theories)
SOC213  사회심리학 (Social Psychology)
SOC216  세계시민으로 살기 (Living as a Global Citizen)
SOC217  사회조사방법론 (Methods in Social Research)
SOC218  사회통계와 데이터분석 (Statistics of Social Science)
SOC221  인구분석 (Population Analysis)
SOC223  공간과 도시의 사회학 (Sociology of space and cities)
SOC232  인권과 사회복지 (Human right and social welfare)
SOC231  사회문제분석 (Social Problems)
SOC242  사회변동과 발전 (Social Change & Development)
SOC243  지구화와 지역현안의 사회학적 이해 (Contemporary Social Issues in Global and Local Contexts)
SOC252  현대문화분석입문 (Interpretation to Culturalstudies)
SOC254  미디어로 보는 한국사회 (Korean Society through Film and Media)
SOC261  매스커뮤니케이션입문 (Introduction to Mass-Communication)
SOC262  정보화사회와 미디어 (Media and Information Society)
SOC3111  데이터와 사회과학(캡스톤디자인) (Data and Social Science(Capstone Design))
SOC3112  프로젝트기획과 기업가정신 (Project Planning and Entrepreneurship)
SOC315  문화산업론 (Culture Industry)
SOC3115  질적연구실습(캡스톤 디자인)
SOC319  사회학적 상상력과 사회학 고전읽기 (Sociological Imagnation and Classic Readings in Sociology)
SOC323  가족과 생애 (Family and The Life Course)
SOC326  여가사회학 (Sociology of Leisure)
SOC328  사회계층과 불평등 (Social Stratification)
SOC338  기후위기와 생태사회학 (Climate Crisis and Ecological Sociology)
SOC339  나이듦과 죽음의 사회학  (Sociology of Aging and Death)
SOC336  젠더사회학 (Gender & the Korean Society)
SOC344  미래사회와 트렌드 (Introduction to Future Studies)
SOC346  몸과 건강의 사회학 (Sociology of Body and Health)
SOC347  역사사회학 (Historical Sociology)
SOC354  소비와 대중문화 (Sociology and Popular Culture)
SOC428  사회학세미나 (Sociology Seminar)
SOC429  사회정책의 이해 (Understanding Social Policy)
SOC442  중국사회와 문화 (Chinese Society and Culture)
SOC443  일본사회와 문화 (Japanese Society and Culture)
SOC451  예술사회학 (Sociology of Art and Literature)
SOC446  시각사회학 (Visual Sociology)
CSOC302  과학기술의 사회학 (Science, Technology, and Society)
CSOC201  모빌리티의 사회학 (Sociology of Mobilities)
CSOC303  포스트 휴먼과 사이보그의 사회학 (Sociology of Posthuman and Cyborg)
SSS411,414,415  사회과학 인턴십 1,2,3 (SOCial Science Internship 1,2,3)


SSC201  데이터분석 방법과 적용 (Data Analysis and Its Application)
CCMP105  데이터분석기초 (Basic Data Analysis)
CAJO113  아주인성 (Ajou Virtues)
CAJO114  아주희망 (Ajou Dream)
ECON111  경제원론1 (Principles of Economics 1)
PBA111  행정학개론 (Introduction to Public Administration)
PSY100  심리학개론 (Introduction to Psychology)
PSY213  발달심리학 (Developmental Psychology)
PSY291  스포츠심리학 (Sports Psychology)
PSY461  건강심리학 (Health Psychology)
POL101  정치학개론 (Introduction to Political Science)
SLEZ191  스포츠사회학 (Sociology of Sports)
SLEZ205  여가와 삶 (Leisure and Life)
SLEZ397  스포츠레저와 복지 (Sports and Leisure for Welfare)
SLEZ3910  레크리에이션론 (Introduction to Recreation)
SLEZ491  현대사회의 축제와 이벤트 (Modern Society and Festival)
노인간호학 (Gerontological Nursing)  
간호정보학 (Nursing Informatics)  
건강증진 (Health Promotion)