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Ministry of Education Commends Ajou Selected for Its Excellence in Managing Foreign Students

  • 통합 관리자
  • 2013-03-26
  • 80512
Ajou University has been accredited for its excellence in the management of international students.


On the 30th of December, 2012, the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology and the Ministry of Justice released the evaluation results for the “International Education Quality Assurance System (IEQAS) 2012,” announcing that 30 universities, including Ajou University, have been selected for their excellence. 


Last October, the Certification Committee, consisting of officials from the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology and the Ministry of Justice and civilian members, began classifying 350 institutions nationwide, including 212 4-year-universities and 138 colleges, and assessing whether they were certified or uncertified with a restricted visa issuance policy. The committee conducted on-site evaluations and surveys, evaluating the institutions based on the international student dropout rate, the provision of accommodation, the medical insurance subscription rate, fiscal solidarity, diversity, and international student language ability. Among the 30 universities, only Ajou University and six other institutions were evaluated as ”excellent” in all six categories.


The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology and the Ministry of Justice said they plan to grant benefits such as reduced and quicker visa issuance procedures and assign extra personnel to the TaLK (Teach and Learn in Korea) program. Their results will be publically announced and reflected on financial support and incentive programs. If a college is categorized as uncertified, it is automatically subject to visa restrictions for foreign students (including language students) starting the second semester of the next year for one full academic year. 

Jung-Yong Yoon, the director of the International Cooperation Office at Ajou University, said, “Government-supported programs, including the Post BK project that is currently in progress, require global competitiveness.” He added that “with the accreditation for being excellent in the management of international students, Ajou University looks forward not only to receiving more help to participate in various government-supported programs but also to attracting more excelling students and improving university’s image.”