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World Humanities-Culture Festival 2013

  • 백지은
  • 2013-10-11
  • 81743

World Humanities-Culture Festival 2013

‘Humanities on the Silk Road Then and Now’





Event Name : World Humanities-Culture Festival 2013

Main Theme : ‘Humanities on the Silk Road – Then and Now’

Dates : Octover 28th(Mon.) ~ 30th(Wed.), 2013

Venue : Hotel Hyundai Gyeongju, Gyeongju City, Republic of Korea

Hosted by : Ministry of Education of Korea, Province of Gyeongsanbuk-do

Organized by : National Reasearch Foundation of Korea





‘Humanites on the Silk Road Then and Now’


Gyeong-ju, the host city of the 2013 Humanaties Festival, is Silla’s ancient city of 1000 years, a repository of Korea’s ancient culture and the principal site where the remains of the civilization exchanges between the East and the West are retained in all their richness.

Considering such humanistic charateristics and historical significance of the city, the ‘2013 Humanities Festival’ aims to put in humanistic retrospect and prospect the manifold civilizations and exchanges that bloomed on the Silk Road.


Also connected to the main theme of the ‘2013 Humanities Festival’, ‘The Humanaties on the Silk Road – Then and Now’, is the 2013 Istanbul-Gyeong-ju World Culture Expo that is to be held in Istanbul with the theme ‘Road, Encounter, and Companionship.’ Illuminating the 2013 Istanbul-Gyeong-ju World Culture Expo with a streak of the humanities, the 2013 Humanities Festival will also serve as a place of culmination for the Expo that aims for a new, 21st century culture Silk Road.




Supports for International Students(유학생 등록시 지원사항)


- 숙박 (Accommodation)

대명리조트 2 숙박(10 27, 28, 2 제공)

4 1, 조식제공 없음

-- > Quadruple room(four people in one room) is provided free(Oct. 27-28)


- 교통 (Transportation)

영남권 이외 참가자 왕복교통비 8만원

  • Roundtrip transportation fee of 80,000KRW


- 교통비 지급방법 (How to receive transportation fee)

세션 참석자 현장 확인 행사 종료 일괄 은행송금


- 지원대상자 선별

지원범위 : 100 이내

선발 우선순위 1. 인문학 전공자

2. 중앙아시아 국적자


-- > Students who major in humanities are first priority for participation, and second priority is given to the Central Asian Nationality students


- 등록 접수(Registration)

10 1 등록접수 시작 (Start registration on Oct. 1)

10 15 등록마감(End of Registration Oct. 15)

10 18 지원자 선발 발표(Announcement of successful applicants)