모바일 메뉴 열기



Notice of the Period of Registration, Fall 2014

  • 이상현
  • 2014-08-15
  • 78144

Notice of the Period of Registration, Fall 2014


This notice is intended for enrolled students and students completed with required courses, not for new students, New students will separately go through registration process, so don't make a mistake. Please refer to the notice named "notice for successful candidates in 2014 Fall Semester".




1. Period of Registration

1) General Departments ; except for the Department of Financial Engineering





Period of Registration

Print out the Tuition Bill



Application for Delaying Registration


~ Aug.28(Thu)


Normal Registration

Aug. 22.(Fri), 2014

~ Aug. 28. (Thu)

(only available during bank working hours)

Aug. 06.(Wed), 2014

~ Aug. 28. (Thu)

Additional Registration

(only for a student who applied delaying Registration)

Sep.12.(Fri), Sep.15.(Mon), Sep. 16.(Tue), 2014

(only available during bank working hours)


Sep. 03.(Wed),2014

~ Sep. 16.(Tue)

Final Registration

(only for a student who applied delaying Registration)

Sep. 24.(Wed),2014

~ Sep. 26.(Fri)

(only available during bank working hours) (1/4 of class days for the semester)

Sep. 18.(Thu),2014

~ Sep. 26.(Fri)

Students completed with required courses, but thesis

Application for Research Registration

1st : Jul.22.(Tue), 2014

~ Aug.01(Fri)

2nd : Aug.05(Wed),2014

~ Aug.14(Thu)

3rd : Aug.29(Fri), 2014

~ Sep.05(Fri)

1st : Aug.06.(Wed),2014

~ Aug. 28. (Thu)

2nd : Aug.19(Tue),2014

~ Aug. 28.(Thu)

3rd : Sep.11(Thu),2014

~ Sep.16(Tue)

Normal Registration

Aug. 22.(Fri), 2014

~ Aug. 28. (Thu)

(only available during bank working hours)

Additional Registration

Sep.12.(Fri), Sep.15.(Mon), Sep. 16.(Tue), 2014

(only available during bank working hours)

Sep. 03.(Wed),2014 ~ Sep. 16.(Tue)

Final Registration

Sep. 24.(Wed),2014

~ Sep. 26.(Fri)

(only available during bank working hours)

(1/4 of class days for the semester)

Sep. 17.(Wed),2014

~ Sep. 26.(Fri)



2) Department of Financial Engineering





Period of Registration

Print out the Tuition Bill



Normal Registration

Sep.12.(Fri), Sep.15.(Mon), Sep. 16.(Tue), 2014

(only available during bank working hours)

Sep. 05.(Fri),2014

~ Sep. 16.(Tue)

Additional Registration

Sep. 18.(Thu),2014

~ Sep. 19.(Fri)

Sep. 17.(Wed),2014

~ Sep. 19.(Fri)

Students completed with required courses, but thesis

Application for Research Registration

Sep. 01.(Mon),2014

~ Sep. 05.(Fri)

Sep. 05.(Fri),2014

~ Sep. 16.(Tue)

Normal Registration

Sep.12.(Fri), Sep.15.(Mon), Sep. 16.(Tue), 2014

(only available during bank working hours)

Sep. 05.(Fri),2014

~ Sep. 16.(Tue)

Additional Registration

Sep. 18.(Thu),2014

~ Sep. 19.(Fri)

Sep. 17.(Wed),2014

~ Sep. 19.(Fri)





2. Print out Tuition Bills


1) aims2 PortalLog In - 마이포탈(My portal) 학사(대학원) 등록(Registration) - 등록금고지서출력 - choose ‘등록금고지서’ - Printing


2) Homepage of Ajou University - ‘증명서’ (bottom of the page) - ‘등록금고지서출력’ - ‘바로가기’ - ‘대학원’ - input the personal information choose ‘정규학기’ - ‘확인’ - choose ‘등록금고지서’ - Printing


3. Payment(How to pay)






Internet Baking

Virtual Payment Account (Standard Chartered Bank, Woori Bank)

Enrolled Students,

Students completed with required courses, but thesis

All Branches of Standard Chartered, Nong Hyup or Woori





If you want to pay the fee using Internet Baking, you need to join the Internet banking system of these banks(Standard Chartered, NongHyup or Woori Bank). And You can pay it only during the Bank working hours; Standard Chartered 09:30 ~ 16:30, Nong Hyup and Woori 09:00 ~ 16:00


If you want to pay the fee using Virtual Payment Account of Standard Chartered or Woori, you can pay it to the account printed on the tuition bill only during the working time.


4. How to Delay Registration


1) aims2 마이포탈(My portal) 학사(대학원) 등록(Registration) - 등록연기신청(Application for delaying registration)


2) Documents to be submitted: None.


3) Additional and Final Registration will be available only for a student who applied Delaying Registration.


The Registration of Fall, 2014 is supposed to be finished on September, so please keep the period of registration.



5. Registration for Students completed with required courses, but thesis


1) Target of the Research Registration


- Among students completed with required courses, the person who need to complete thesis, expect for the graduation, receive a scholarship or live in the dormitory this Fall semester, 2014.

From new entering students in 2014, all students, completed with required courses but thesis, need to pay research registration fee from the date of completing required courses to the date of graduation.


2) Target of paying school register maintenance registration fee


- Among students completed with required courses, the person who is not a target of the research registration.

(The person who do not apply for research registration can print out the School register maintenance bill during the period of Research Registration)

From new entering students in 2014, all students, completed with required courses but thesis, need to pay research registration fee from the date of completing required courses to the date of graduation.

New students entering from 2008 to 2013 need to pay school register maintenance registration fee or Research Registration fee.


3) Period of Applying for the Research Registration





Period of Registration

Print out the Tuition Bill

Application for Research Registration

(General Departments)

1st : Jul.22.(Tue), 2014

~ Aug.01(Fri)

2nd : Aug.05(Wed),2014

~ Aug.14(Thu)

3rd : Aug.29(Fri), 2014

~ Sep.05(Fri)

1st : Aug.05. (Wed), 2014

~ Aug. 28. (Thu)

2nd : Aug.19(Tue),2014

~ Aug. 28.(Thu)

3rd : Sep.11(Thu),2014

~ Sep.16(Tue)

Application for Research Registration

(Department of Financial Engineering)


~ Sep.05(Fri)


~ Sep.16(Tue)



4) How to apply for the Research Registration


- aims2 Portal- Log In 마이포탈(My portal) 학사(대학원) 등록(Registration) - 연구등록신청 (Application for research registration)


If you expired the validity of submitting thesis, you should submit the recovery request of thesis submitting qualifying.











6. Tuition Fees





Tuition Fee(KRW)

Research Registration Fee


school register maintenance registration fee

Humanities and Social Science




Natural Science








Medical Science








Financial Engineering






7. Contact us

- Office of Graduate School (Tel: 031-219-2302, klove@ajou.ac.kr)


Office of Graduate School