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[Notice] Physical Checkup Service for Currently Enrolled Students

  • 이미정
  • 2017-04-10
  • 72942

Notification on the Physical Checkup Service for Currently Enrolled Students


Ajou University provides a regular physical checkup service for currently enrolled students in order to help them check their physical conditions, detect diseases early, and thereby lead healthier lives. We ask your participation.



1. Period: May 2. ~ May 31.

2. Venue: (physical checkup) Well-bing Center 4th of the Ajou University Hospital (with Ajou student ID card)

3. Application period & process: April 10. ~ 21.

  (Applications will be accepted through the Internet only!!)


 ① Click the above address → Application for Health center

 ② Healthcare Classification (Health check up) Occupational Status (Undergraduate / Graduate) Healthcare Available (2017-1 Physical Checkup Service) Identification NO. → Application

 ③ Confirm Personal Information → Complete Application

4. Checkup Schedule : 13:30 ~ 16:00 (6hours fasting are necessary)

5. Eligible Students

 ★ currently enrolled undergraduate students (sophomores, juniors, seniors, and those who returned to school after taking time off among freshmen)

 (new and exchange students excluded)

 ★ students of the General Graduate School (graduate who finish the whole course students excluded)

 ★ If you are not eligible students, we will sand the text massage to you.

6. The Maximum Number of Students for Checkup: 300 students (on a first-come, first-served basis)

7. Checkup List: * basic checkup(eye sight, weight, blood pressure, level of obesity)

 * chest X-ray

 * blood test(anemia, liver complaint, hyperlipidemia, diabetes)

 * urinalysis(albuminuria)

8. Cost: free of charge

9. Checkup Procedure

 ☞ Online application visit Welling Center 4th of the AJOU University Hospital (with Ajou student ID card) → get a physical checkup

10. Checkup Result : from June 28.~

 ☞ Undergraduate student : The result will be confirm at personal AIMS2 program [ Degree(undergraduate) student → physical checkup result ]

 ☞ Graduate student : The result will be sent by post to the address of each student. (Please write your address accurately and completely on the form.)