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14th Recruiting for Climate Presenter of The Climate Reality Project(TCRP 기후변화리더 14기 모집공고)

14th Recruiting for Climate Presenter of The Climate Reality Project

 Climate Presenter is the title for an activist of The Climate Reality Project who leads social changes to solve global environmental problems with each people around world. Climate Presenter will take charge of slideshow presentation and lead education for climate change as well as civic movements like former U.S. Vice President Al Gore did in the documentary, An Inconvenient Truth.

1. What You Do
Climate Presenter will take charge of environmental education for the general public whose aim is to increase public awareness of climate change problems and to encourage their intent to solve climate change problems.

Climate Presentership Program

• Training Program for Climate Presenter
- TCRP Climate Leadership Training (by Al Gore. An international event)
- Training Education for Climate Presenter

• Public Education Program for Climate Change
- TCRP Presentation  /   24Hours of Reality
- Environmental education for adolescent & children

• Regular Meetings for Climate Presenter
- Education of updating information from U. S. headquarter
- Presentation and discussion about connector’s activities
(We will give you an advance notice of the schedule every month.)

• An International Event for Training Climate Presenters directly organized by former U.S. Vice President Al Gore
- 24 Hours of Reality, a global event
- Promote an international event and progress the event in Korea

• Climate Reality Leadership Group Activity (must attend)
- A group activity for Climate Presenters with a training program
- This training provides the groundwork for sharing the facts and educating others about the climate crisis in a respectable, fun, digestible, and educational way. It leaves you with a sense of hope.

Schedule for Recruitment
 Application deadline: Dec. 2 (Sun), 2018
 Announcement of qualified candidates and interview schedule: Will be notified later. (We will set up interviews in the order of application.)
 Interview Schedule: Will be notified individually later. (People who live far from Seoul can change the date of interview after discussion.)
 Interview Location: The Climate Reality Project, Korea District
 1505, Ian Sangam II, 190, World Cup-ro, Mapo-gu, Seoul 03938, Korea
 Announcement of a Successful Candidate: Individually announced.

2. How to apply
1. Please apply via this link : http://naver.me/FLMROBre
2. Please send this application form to climateproject@tcpkorea.org
(E-mail/File Title: ‘Climate Presenter 14th Application – Name’)

3. Contact
Email: climateproject@tcpkorea.org (We prefer e-mail inquiry to telephone. When you send an e-mail, the title should be: Inquiry of 14th Climate Presenter_Name)

Attachment 1. 14th Recruiting for ClimateRealityLeader2

Attachment 2. (대학교full)TCRP 기후변화리더 14기 모집공고

Attachment 3. Climate Presenter14th_ApplicationForm