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[Notice]Amended Regulation on Reducing Tuition Fee

Amended Regulation on Reducing Tuition Fee

Ajou Graduate School Office

    Amended as of Spring semester in 2019


We would like to inform you of the amended regulation and procedure on reducing tuition fee as mentioned



1. Eligibility

: Applicant is eligible to meet all the circumstances mentioned below.

a. Among students who have already registered for the minimum number of semesters but haven’t completed

the degree yet, those who are taking a class in Spring semester, 2019

* Minimum semester for registration : 4 semesters for Mastr’s program, 4 semesters for Doctorate program,

8 semesters for Integrated(Combined) program.

b. Students who are scheduled to take 3 credits or less in Spring semester, 2019

Students who have completed all required courses but not thesis are not the applicants for Reduction of tuition

fees for additional semester. They can be applicants for Research Registration or School register Maintenance



2. Changed procedure for reducing the tuition fee




Jan~Feb/Jul~Aug each year


around the End of Feb/Aug


around the Beginning of Mar/Sep


Submitting the designated document to the Graduate School office

Registration during the regular registration period

Monitoring the final credits by the graduate school office after the application period to change








After amended


around the End of Feb/Aug


around the Beginning of Mar/Sep


around the Mid of Mar/Sep


A student who is eligible is NOT allowed to register during the regular registration period.

(Tuition bill will be not issued)

After the application period of changing classes,

tuition bill will be made, as the applied credits reflected.

During the additional registration period, the tuition fee should be paid.(around Mar/Sep)

(Tuition bill can be issued around 7 days ahead)

- The regulation and procedure of reducing tuition fee will be amended as of Spring semester, 2019. After the application period of changing classes, the credits that the students have applied for will be monitored by the graduate school office, and then the tuition bill will be made for these students.

- The students who applies to this matter cannot register during the regular registration period. Instead, they should register during the additional period. It will be around Mar or Sep.


3. Details in the Amended School Regulation

1) Registration(Article 10)



In case that a student who have already registered the minimum number of semesters but haven’t completed all the required credits applies for some credits, the student should pay for the tuition fee like below.

1. 0 to 3 credits : Pay one-third(1/3) of your tuition fees

2. 4 to 6 credits : Pay one-half(1/2) of your tuition fees

3. 7 credits and over : Pay full amount of tuition fees

In case that a student who have already registered the minimum number of semesters but haven’t completed all the required credits applies for some credits, the student should pay for the tuition fee like below.

0 to 3 credits : Pay one-half(1/2) of the tuition fee

More than 4 credits : Pay full amount of tuition fee


4. Amount of Payment

- 0 to 3 credits : Pay one-half(1/2) of the tuition fee

- More than 4 credits : Pay full amount of tuition fee  


Graduate School Office