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[Notice-seating arrangements added] Conferment of degree for the Class of 2018 (Spring Semester)

Please refer to the attached files for the seating arrangements and be seated at your designated seat.

*You will be given a ceremonial diploma for the conferment event.

*You can pick up your original diploma from your department when you reutrn the gown.

Conferment of degree for the Class of 2018 (Spring Semester)

1. Conferment of Degree

- Date: 2019.2.22.(Fri) 14:00 (enterance to be completed by 13:30)

- Location: Jonghap Hall 1st floor Auditorium

- Participants: 2019.Feb / 2018.Aug  graduates

*The diploma will be a ceremonial paper(original diploma will be given out from each departments)

*Please return the ceremonial diploma to the table at the entrance when you exit.

2. Matters to be noted by the graduates

-Please be seated according to the seating arrangements(to be posted in the future)

 *Only the graduates who applied  to the deparments by Feb 15th can have a designated seating arrnagement

-Rental and return of the ceremonial gown: 2019.2.21.(Thu)~22(Fri) at department offices

-You can receive the origianal diploma from your departments when you return your ceremonial gown.

*To rent the ceremonial gown, you need to provide your ID card for identification.

*If you cannot attend the conferment ceremony, you may visit the deparment office to receive the diploma in  2.21.(Thu)~2.22.(Fri)

3. Matters to be noted by the conferment ceremony attendees

 -Entrance to be finished wearing the ceremonial gown and hat 30 minutes before the commencement(13:30)

(Master degrees: put the tassel on your hat to the right)

  -You will go up on the platform with the ceremonail diploma and shake hands with the dean and come back to your seat.\

  -You may not exit the venue while the ceremony is in process.

  -You may not take a photo on the platform while the ceremony is still in process.

   (You can take the photo after the ceremony and are able to use the photo zone in the Jonghap Hall)

  -You can pick up your original diploma from your department

  -Please return the ceremonial diploma to the table at the entrance when you exit.

Congratulations on your graduation with your hard work and all the efforts!!