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게시판 > 공지사항
No Title File Writer Create Date 조회
Notice Graduate School 2024-07-05 628
[Notice] Registration for Enrolled Students for Fall 2024
Notice Graduate School 24.07.05 조회수 674 첨부파일
Graduate School 2024-07-05 674
[Notice] Office working hour during summer vacation
Notice Graduate School 24.07.02 조회수 687
Graduate School 2024-07-02 687
[Notice] Application for Leave of Absence and Returning to School, Fall 2024
Notice Graduate School 24.06.24 조회수 755 첨부파일
Graduate School 2024-06-24 755
[Notice] Announcement : The change of the condition for receiving scholarship
Notice Graduate School 22.05.12 조회수 12132 첨부파일
Graduate School 2022-05-12 12132
Delay in the starting date of spring semester 2020
Graduate School 20.02.10 조회수 23087
Graduate School 2020-02-10 23087
480 김중화 2020-02-06 23339
479 김중화 2020-02-06 24076
478 김중화 2020-02-06 25486
477 김규리 2020-01-31 24426
476 김규리 2020-01-31 25372
475 Graduate School 2020-01-13 25121
474 김규리 2020-01-08 25459
473 김규리 2020-01-03 26098
472 김규리 2020-01-02 25887