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Class Evaluation Period for Spring Semester, 2023 (5/26~6/28)

  • Graduate School
  • 2023-05-18
  • 1683

Class Evaluation Period for Fall Semester, 2022

1. Period of Class Evaluation

- Class Evaluation Period : 2023.05.26.(Fri) ~ 2023.06.28.(Wed)

- Period for Checking Grade Results : 2023.06.15.(Thu) ~ 2023.06.28.(Wed)

2. How to Evaluate the Classes

 - Login to AIMS2 portal website(https://mportal.ajou.ac.kr) → (NEW) Academic Affairs Information - Academic Course - Course Evaluation

3. Notes

- If you don't click the save button after completing questionaire for evaluation, Evaluation score will not be reflected in the outcome of Class assessment.

 - Grade Results of subjects will be offered when you complete the Class Assessment.

 - You can only view announced grades of courses you have evaluated.

 - You can't check your grade results if you do not evaluate the classes on the Portal Website.


Graduate School