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[Notice]Sojourn guide manuals of Visa for graduate students

Sojourn guide manuals of Visa for graduate students

 According to strict laws and some changes of the immigration office, we'd like to inform you of a general guide or manual of foregin sojourn.

 Additionally, a foreigners staying in korea have responsibility to notify several things changed in your registered information to the immigration office. To inform and emphasize this once again, we've attached related links below.
1. General guide for Obligatory Declarations -> https://www.hikorea.go.kr/pt/InfoDetailR_en.pt
2. Obligation to Report Changes to the Details in Foreigner Registration Card : Change in a passport, a school's name etc.

-> https://www.hikorea.go.kr/pt/InfoDetailR_en.pt
3. Obligation to Report Change in Residence  

-> https://www.hikorea.go.kr/pt/InfoDetailR_en.pt

* It should be reported within 14 days.

Plus, usually, a school has done a visa extension on bahalf of students. However, we will not receive an application from a student who has a special case like below.
 a. a student who has not completed credits beyond regular semesters (Master : 2 years, Doc : 2 years, Int : 4 years) 
 b. A student who wants to extend or apply for a visa except for D-2

Besides these students, when we check your submitted documents, your application can be rejected, so we ask you to pre-contact us in advance.

We will not apply for the visa except D-2, so in this case, we ask you to deal with the visa work yourself 2~3 months before an expired date. If you need any help, contact us to help you.

Attachment 1. 180921 (하이코리아) 체류자격별 안내매뉴얼
Attachment 2 180921 하이코리아 매뉴얼 변경 주요내용
Attachment 3. 180913 (하이코리아) 사증- 자격별 안내매뉴얼

For more details, please refer to the website(HiKorea).: http://www.hikorea.go.kr/pt/main_en.pt (Hotline : 1345)

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