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[Notice] Application for Credit Recognition from Previous Graduate school, Fall 2015

Application for Credit Recognition from previous graduate school, Fall 2015


This is to inform you of the application procedure for credit recognition for credits earned from a previous graduate school for Fall semester, 2015. New students for Fall 2015 and enrolled students who request related credit recognition have to submit the required documents to the Department office within the designated period stated below.


1. Application for credit recognition for credits earned from a previous Graduate school

 a. Eligible for application :

    1) New students, transfer students and returning student in Master's, Doctorate, Integrated courses for Fall, 2015

    2) Enrolled students who haven't applied for credit recognition before

 b. Scope and Criteria of Credit Recognition

     : Credits that related to curriculum for similar major courses will be recognized with approval of academic advisor

       1) Newly admitted students in Doctorate course : Up to 24 credits earned from Master's course in previous graduate school will be recognized, with confirmation of Graduate school Committee.

           * In te event that the majors of Master's and Doctorate is different, credits will be recognized up to 12 credits. Only in case that more documents for recognition are needed, students have to submit the form titled Statement of reasons for excess recognition of credits additionally.

       2) New Students and Transfer students in same degree as the previous school

           - Master's course : Up to 12 credits acquired in the previous graduate school

           - Doctorate course : Up to 18 credits acquired in the previous graduate school

 c. Required Documents

     : Application form for Credit Recognition for Previous Graduate school(Attachment), Transcript

 d. Evaluation Procedure

     : Credit Recognition confirmed by Academic Committee composed of 3 assessors (Profs.) of Department

       - Final decision from a Dean of Graduate school (credit assessed by the Department with the supervision of the Dean of Department)

 e. Period of submission : Sep. 21st (Mon), 2015

 f. Place for submission : Each Department Office


2. Application for Credit Recognition for special courses of lecture in Master's degree program

 a. Eligible for Application

     : Those who have already completed a subject of Master's course when students were in undergraduate school (in Ajou University) and want to get recognized as credits of graduate school

 b. Required Documents

     : Application form for recognition of credit completion of special courses for Master's degree(Attachment), Transcript

 c. Period of Submission : Sep. 21st (Mon), 2015


* Attachment

  1. Application form for Credit Recognition for Previous Graduate school

  2. Statement of Reasons for excess recognition of credits

  3. Application form for Recognition of Credit completion of special courses for Master's degree


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