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Ajou University Received a Presidential Citation

  • 통합 관리자
  • 2013-03-26
  • 80849
Ajou University Received a Presidential Citation 

Ajou University  received a Presidential Citation on Dec 27 in recognition of it being an organization that has made a significant contribution to the government’s efforts to create jobs in 2011. 

 From August, the Ministry of Employment and Labor had been carrying out research to discover individuals and organizations that have made great contributions to the government’s employment policy.

 The official commendation was awarded particularly as Ajou University had developed its own employment support programs to actively and effectively help students secure a job after graduation.

 Ajou University provides career-oriented development programs, from freshman year upwards, to help students achieve their individual career goals while providing a computerized career management system.

 About 7,000 students, or more than 70 percent of the student population, have already shaped their career course with the help of the development program launched in 2009.

 On top of that, the university has provided a professional and practical one-on-one career coaching system operated by career coaching managers.

 Thanks to such efforts, the employment rate of Ajou students rose 4.1% from last year to 68.4% (based on the National Health Insurance Statistics), taking second place among universities, with the number of graduates reaching around two to three thousand.

Office of Interantional Affairs
Ajou University