

이성실Sungsil Lee

  • 소속 경영학과 / 회계전공
  • 연구실다산관 407-1호
  • 이메일 sungsillee@ajou.ac.kr
  • 내선번호3662


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  • 2018.08 Univ Houston 박사
  • 2009.12 The Ohio State University 석사
  • 2008.08 서울대학교 석사
  • 2005.08 서울대학교 학사


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  • [논문] 이성실, Accounting for uncertain tax positions andlenders’ risk evaluations , EJOURNAL OF TAX RESEARCH, pp. 2-26 (8월, 2023)
  • [논문] 이성실, 박정우, 지방세법상의 건설자금이자에 대한 연구 -건설중단기간 중 이자비용 자본화 문제를 중심으로-, 조세논총, pp. 85-118 (9월, 2022)
  • [논문] 이성실, Changes in the effect of corporate tax avoidance on the cost of debt over the past 25 years, PACIFIC ACCOUNTING REVIEW, pp. 293-309 (3월, 2022)
  • [논문] 이성실, The impact of simultaneous holdings of equity and debt on financial covenants in debt contracts, JOURNAL OF FINANCIAL REPORTING AND ACCOUNTING, pp. 921-938 (6월, 2021)


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  • [논문] 이성실, Accounting for uncertain tax positions andlenders’ risk evaluations , EJOURNAL OF TAX RESEARCH, pp. 2-26 (8월, 2023)
  • [논문] 이성실, Changes in the effect of corporate tax avoidance on the cost of debt over the past 25 years, PACIFIC ACCOUNTING REVIEW, pp. 293-309 (3월, 2022)
  • [논문] 이성실, The impact of simultaneous holdings of equity and debt on financial covenants in debt contracts, JOURNAL OF FINANCIAL REPORTING AND ACCOUNTING, pp. 921-938 (6월, 2021)
  • [논문] 이성실, 박정우, 지방세법상의 건설자금이자에 대한 연구 -건설중단기간 중 이자비용 자본화 문제를 중심으로-, 조세논총, pp. 85-118 (9월, 2022)
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