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[일지] 아주대 중국정책연구소 정책분석회의 2020-1

아주대 중국정책연구소 정책분석회의 2020-1

시   간: 2020년 05월 06일

참여자: 김민경, 류현진, 박현지, 서민혜, 신종석, 안슬기, 염지원, 이윤규, 이창주, 

         장기현, 전지은, 전태동 최병일, 최연실 

주   제: 코로나(COVID-19)와 미-중관계 및 일본, 유럽, 호주의 대중관계  

Relations with China amid Covid-19 have fuelled internal political discord in some countries, while 
also highlighting divisions within Europe. 
Even countries that have seen their relations with China sour in recent years have found a reason to strengthen those relations in a time of crisis. For many governments in Europe, the mid-term solution to the Covid-19 crisis (and the longer-term prevention of similar outbreaks) must pass through multilateral action, which highlights China’s role as a partner and further necessitates a degree of cooperation, despite the concerns that have been raised over China’s growing influence in international institutions such as the World Health Organization (WHO).
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