UCPI 정세분석세미나

[일지] 아주대 중국정책연구소 정책분석회의 2021-7

아주대학교 미중정책연구소 정세분석세미나 2021-7

시   간: 2021년 10월 08일

참여자: 박대현, 서민혜, 신종석, 이서혁, 이창주, 장기현, 전태동, 최연실 

주요 내용: 

U.S INDOPACOM / Sept 30, 2021



AUKUS, Trilateral Security Partnership: Joint op-ed by UK, US and Australia

U.S. Embassy in Malaysia


U.S. Embassy in Malaysia -- This op-ed is jointly authored by H.E. Dr Justin Lee, High Commissioner of Australia to Malaysia, H.E. Brian D. McFeeters, Ambassador of the United States of America to Malaysia and H.E. Charles Hay MVO, High Commissioner of the United Kingdom to Malaysia.


Malaysia lies at the heart of Southeast Asia, the heart of ASEAN and the heart of the Indo Pacific. Malaysia is a key partner for Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States as we work to achieve a shared vision for the region – one that is open, stable and inclusive, in line with the ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific.

Recently our three countries announced an enhanced trilateral security partnership – AUKUS – that will enhance our capacity to develop and share a range of emerging security and defence capabilities. This agreement does not change our ambitions for a peaceful and prosperous region, nor our support for inclusive ASEAN-centred regional architecture. It will strengthen our ability to work with regional partners like Malaysia to forge a secure and stable region and support the rules-based system on which our collective prosperity is built.

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