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[일지] 아주대 중국정책연구소 정책분석회의 2019-10

아주대 중국정책연구소 정책분석회의 2019-9

시   간: 2019년 12월 03일

참여자: 김민경, 김준성, 최병일, 최연실 

주   제: 북중 관계, 홍콩 시위 등

  • China’s revitalized relationship with North Korea means the United States can no longer rely on Beijing to support increased sanctions and pressure on Pyongyang. China will also demand a seat at the table at discussions of a peninsular peace regime or a treaty to end the Korean War, where, like North Korea, it hopes to weaken the rationale for the U.S. military presence in Korea.


    The “normalization” of Beijing-Pyongyang ties poses a new challenge as U.S. policymakers deal with North Korea’s nuclear threat. To contend with this new reality, policymakers will need to refocus the current U.S. policy approach, including by doing a more effective job convincing Beijing that Pyongyang’s weapons of mass destruction programs are a threat to Chinese interests. Washington should also prioritize the establishment of stable, predictable relations with Beijing, dissuade China from offering uncoordinated incentives to North Korea, and revitalize and be prepared to lead the international coalition to maintain tough-minded sanctions and other pressures on North Korea.


    With Beijing’s reset of ties with Pyongyang, China’s posture on North Korea is shifting, including signs that it is prepared to live with a nuclear North Korea. The common goal of denuclearization that once inspired U.S.-China cooperation on North Korea is disappearing. Uncertain times lie ahead.

출처: EVANS J.R. REVERE, “LIPS AND TEETH: REPAIRING CHINA-NORTH KOREA RELATIONS,” Brookings Report (November, 2019) https://www.brookings.edu/research/lips-and-teeth-repairing-china-north-korea-relations/


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