
[Notice]Information on Application for Classes for Fall semester, 2021

< Information on Application for Classes for Fall semester, 2021 >


1. Period of Application for classes



Confirmation of academic advisor

Application for Classes

Aug 10th(Tue) ~ Aug 16th(Mon), 2021

Aug 10h(Tue) ~ Sep 8th(Wed)

, 2021

Commencement of Fall semester, 2021

Sep 1st(Tue), 2021

Application for Classes (Change)

Sep 1st(Wed) ~ Sep 8th(Wed), 2021

10::00 ~ 17:00

(Weekdays Only)



2. Procedure of Course registration

 [Check the required credits for completion of course   Search the Class Schedule/Syllabus Course Registration (Input the subjects into a computer) Confirmation of academic advisor Completion]


  a. Check the required credits for completion of course

: Before application for classes, Students are required to confirm the required credits (major and research credits) of each department and to check credits earned and the courses to take. This step will not cause any problems with graduation or completion.

: Portal Login (New) Academic Affairs Information Grade/Graduation View Graduation Requirements Acquisition Status (General Graduate School)) )


   b. Search the Class Schedule/Syllabus

: Portal Login : (New) Academic Affairs Information Academic Course View Course Schedule/Syllabus

: Portal non-Login :!/e020402


   c. Course registration

: Portal Login (New) Academic Affairs Information Academic Course   Course Registration Check the Department(학과) and Major(전공) Click Apply button of the courses that you want to take Check the Course Registration List menu on the upper side.

     Please check the required credits of major and research subjects of each department to graduate or complete the course.


   d. Confirmation of Academic advisor

: Obtain the confirmation of classes from the applicable academic advisor(or dean of the department when an academic advisor is not assigned) using the AIMS portal system of faculty.

   In the event of not obtaining the confirmation for classes from the academic advisor after the computer input, application will not be accepted successfully. So students should get the confirmation from academic advisor.