Ajou Vision 4.0 Global Campus


[Incoming] [OIA] COVID-19 Social Distancing Level 2 in Seoul Metropolitan Area (extended until July 4th)

  • 국제교류팀
  • 국제협력팀
  • 작성일 2021-02-26
  • 조회수 4863

The Korean government placed Social distancing to Level 2 in Seoul metropolitan area(Seoul, Incheon, Gyeonggi Province).

The government bans any private gatherings of five or more people such as gatherings at restaurants and cafes. Penalties will be imposed. 

Please read carefully for the policies implemented under Level 2.

1. Meeting‧Gathering‧Event

Private gatherings:

Private gatherings of 5 or more persons are prohibited

*Except when a family who is living in the same space is gathering; when it is required for the care of children, the elderly, or the disabled; when a person is about to pass away requiring the family to gather

– Reservations or entrance of 5 or more persons to multi-purpose facilities, including restaurants are prohibited

Other gatherings & events

– Gatherings or events of 100 or more persons at weddings, funerals, and commemorative events are prohibited

*Excludes mandatory business activities by public officials and enterprises; gatherings for examinations allowed with less than 100 persons in attendance in separate spaces

– Gatherings for exhibitions, fairs and international conferences limited to one person per 4㎡ (standard for prohibited gatherings of 100 or more persons does not apply)

2. Priority Facilities

▶ Bars, including night clubs and room salons, colatecs (Korean-style cabaret), karaoke bars, pubs, hunting pocha

A ban on gatherings in the  above 5 types of entertainment facilities.

▶ Singing rooms, indoor standing performance halls, direct sales (e.g., door-to-door sales) promotion centers

▶ Restaurants/Cafes/Bakeries

Only takeaways and deliveris are allowed at restaurants and cafes after 10PM.

Comply with mandatory quarantine measures (wear a mask, keep visitor log (excluding department stores, marts, shops), disinfect and ventilate more than twice per day) 

3. Regular Facilities

▶ Internet cafes (PC bangs), wedding halls, funeral homes, private academies, job training centers

▶ bathhouses/saunas, concert halls, movie theaters, amusement parks/water parks, multi-rooms/DVD rooms

▶ Indoor sports facilities, barbershops/hair salons, shops·marts·department stores, study rooms and cafes

Limit on the number of people and comply with mandatory quarantine measures (wear a mask, keep a log of visitors, disinfect and ventilate) 

4. Daily Life and Social & Economic Activities

▷ Mandatory to wear a face mask

Mandatory at all indoor facilities and high risk outdoor activities; administrative fines to be imposed for violations

▷ Sports activities: Limited spectators (10%)

▷Use of public transportation: Mandatory to wear a face mask

Residents in the metropolitan area are strongly advised to refrain from visiting other regions for the purpose of travel or business trips

▷School: 1/3 of student capacity recommended (2/3 for high school)

▷Religious activities: In-person worship services (i.e. Christian, Catholic, Buddhist, Cheondoist) at less than 20 percent seat capacity, but prohibited from holding meetings and providing meals.

▷Work Pattern:

Working from home recommended for a proportion of workers per organization/division (e.g: 1/3 of employees)

Mandatory wearing of face masks in businesses considered high-risk (distribution and logistics centers, call centers)

For more information, please check http://ncov.mohw.go.kr/en