Ajou Vision 4.0 Global Campus


[Incoming] [OIA] Extension of COVID-19 Social Distancing Level 2.5 in Seoul Metropolitan Area (until Jan. 17th)

  • 국제교류팀
  • 국제협력팀
  • 작성일 2021-01-04
  • 조회수 3247

From January 4th, the Social distancing to Level 2.5 in Seoul metropolitan area(Seoul, Incheon, Gyeonggi Province) has been extended for the next two weeks.  

The government elevated the social distancing regulations for the Seoul metropolitan area to the second-highest level as part of its utmost efforts to stem a resurgence of the COVID-19.

Please read carefully for the policies implemented under Level 2.5.

1) Any social gatherings of five people or more will be prohibited nationwidewhile door-to-door sales businesses, karaoke rooms, indoor fitness facilities and indoor concert venues that offer standing shows will be closed, in addition to nightclubs and bars.

2) Restaurants cannot receive customers after 9 p.m. but can offer takeout and delivery. Cafes are only allowed to serve takeout at all hours.

3) Movie theaters, internet cafes, private academies, study halls, amusement parks, beauty salons, barbershops, large grocery stores and department stores cannot operate past 9 p.m.

4) The nighttime curfew for those facilities has already been in place in Seoul. The city's public transportation service was also reduced by 30 percent. Public transportation, such as KTX trains and express buses, will be advised to fill only half of their capacities.

5) Sports events are allowed without spectators while religious services are only available online or via broadcasts. In-person religious activities, if needed, are permitted with 20 or less participants.