Ajou Vision 4.0 Global Campus


[Incoming] Incoming Exchange FAQ (during COVID 19 Period)_ updated on Dec. 17th

  • 국제교류팀
  • 국제협력팀
  • 작성일 2020-11-26
  • 조회수 6752

<Ajou University Incoming Exchange Program FAQ>

This FAQ is updated as of December 17th, 2020 and is subject to change depending on the Korean government regulation and KCDC guidelines. The questions in red have been updated. If any important changes are made, we will notify our partners and students as soon as possible and update at our website https://oia.ajou.ac.kr/oia/notice/notice.do.

Q1) Is exchange program for Spring 2021 open to international students?

A1) Yes, Ajou University welcomes international students for the upcoming spring semester. We continued with physical exchange program during the spring and fall semester of 2020. In case of any changes, we will notify our partners and students as soon as possible.

At the same time, the virtual exchange program is also opened for any students who cannot physically come to Korea due to their home university restriction as well as the COVID19 situation.  For more information on the virtual exchange, please refer to Q5.

Q2) Where can I check the current COVID-19 situation in Korea?

A2) Students can check the updates of COVID-19 situation in Korea at http://ncov.mohw.go.kr/en/. All the information can be found in English, Chinese and Korean from the language option on the top right corner of the website.

Q3) Is it possible to get my visa rejected?

A3) As of now, there has not been any exceptional visa restrictions due to COVID-19. However, the visa application may vary depending on the severity level of COVID-19 in your country. Please consult with the Korean embassy beforehand for details. The embassy may ask for additional documents such as information and agreement on self-quarantine.

Q4) What kind of teaching method will be carried out throughout the semester? (*updated)

A4) The Spring 2021 semester will be a blended learning system of both face-to-face and online. The theoretical courses will be carried out face-to-face and online (live and recorded). Lab courses will be mainly face-to-face but can be held online depending on the course. We will update the information on our website at https://oia.ajou.ac.kr/oia/notice/notice.do.

Q5) Can I take classes online at my home country? (*updated)

A5) For Spring 2021, we offer Virtual Exchange Program for any students who are not able to come to Korea due to the COVID-19. Please check https://oia.ajou.ac.kr/oia/incoming/ajou-virtual-exchange.do for detailed information.

Q6) Do I need to be quarantined?

A6) In accordance with the Korean government regulation and KCDC, all overseas travelers, Korean and foreigner, must be quarantined for the 14 days upon their arrival in Korea.

Q7) When should I arrive in Korea? (*updated)

A7) Students must arrive in Korea from February 9th to 12th to carry out the mandatory quarantine. Please book your flight to arrive from February 9th to February 12th. If students cannot arrive during this period, please let us know at your earliest convenience. We highly recommend students to be present when the semester begins. The availability at the quarantine facility cannot be guaranteed if students arrive later than the aforementioned period.

The Spring 2021 semester is from March 2nd to June 29th.

Q8) What are the quarantine facility options? How much is it? (*updated)

A8) We provide only ONE option for the quarantine facility

Recommended facility – a residential hotel located either in Seoul or Suwon, provides overall services including airport pickup service, COVID-19 testing pickup service, meal delivery 3 times a day, provision of essential necessities, and room for 14 days. The exact address of the hotel will be announced shortly.

We keep close contact with the people working at the facility in case of any emergencies. All of this service will be provided for around KRW 1,360,000(approx. USD 1,360). The fee is subject to change. From the last semester, 90% of the students have used the recommended facility and is strongly recommended by Ajou. 

The quarantine facility application will begin on early January via online and we will provide the detailed information via email soon. Once you buy your flight ticket, please submit your arrival information at https://ko.surveymonkey.com/r/spring21arrivalinfo. The deadline for cancellation of the quarantine facility is January 20th, 2021. Late cancellation may cause room deficiency of other students needing quarantine services. Please inform the OIA at your earliest convenience.

Q9) Can I find my own quarantine facility? (*updated)

A9) NO, individual quarantine is not allowed from this semester as the fake reservations were reported last semester and this has scared the safety of the entire international students. If no reservation is made with Ajou University, international travelers will be guided to the government’s designated places upon entering Korea.

Also, if the immigration concludes individual reserved facility as inappropriate, students will be sent to government facility where Ajou also needs to follow by. The absence of supervisor to monitor the students during the quarantine period also does not qualify as adequate quarantine facility.

Q10) How can I order food?

A10) If you are quarantined at the recommend facility, the meals will be delivered to your room considering your dietary restrictions. However, please bring enough snacks from home that will not easily go bad for the 14 days. If you have any dietary restrictions, we highly recommend to bring plenty of snacks for yourself.

Q11) What do I need to bring?

A11) Bring plenty of masks in case of shortage in Korea. Laptop, charger, and adapter are must to bring to keep yourself accompanied during the quarantine as well as lectures and other activities after quarantine. Besides, some snacks are needed during the quarantine, and other necessities for your school life in Korea. Basic beddings are provided at the recommend facility but bring extra blankets if you easily get cold.

Q12) When can I go to the university dormitory? (*updated)

A12) After finishing the quarantine, students can arrive at the university dormitory. Unless told otherwise, we highly recommend students to come directly to the university dormitory after the quarantine. The dormitory opening date is February 23rd.

Q13) Can I live off-campus?

A13) We highly recommend students to live on campus as the OIA and the Office of Residence can easily approach the students in case of any emergencies and effectively support students. If you decide to live off-campus, students need to inform OIA the address of residence before arrival for immigration policies.

Q14) What happens if I get infected to COVID-19?

A14) If you are confirmed positive when entering Korea, you will be sent directly to the hospital and the cost of hospitalization and treatment will be issued to you. If you are confirmed positive while in Korea, you will also be sent directly to the hospital and the cost of hospitalization and treatment will vary under the principle of reciprocity in diplomatic relations.

Q15) Can I get COVID-19 tested whenever I want?

A15) If you experience any symptoms, students can get tested at Ajou University Hospital located on campus. In case of having any symptoms or being contacted by a person who has been confirmed, the testing fee is not required. However, if you want to get tested for your own safety/will, the testing fee can cost up to KRW 160,000. Students must be quarantined until the test results comes out.

Q16) Can I receive insurance benefits in Korea?

A16) All students must apply for an insurance that we ask for copy of insurance before your arrival. Students can apply for international insurance at your home country which covers your stay in Korea. Students can also apply for a Korean insurance from the Korean insurance company called DB Insurance from Ajou University for the convenience of the students. If students want more coverage on the insurance and have concerns regarding the COVID-19, we recommend to purchase the insurance from your home country.

Q17) Is postponement possible? What should I do if I want to withdraw or postpone my exchange program? (*updated)

A17) If students are concerned regarding COVID-19 or mobility changes made from the home university, the postponement is possible with the approval from your home university. Students can withdraw from the program by January 20th. If any cancellations are made after this date, it will not be allowed.

Please inform the incoming coordinator at Ajou University via incoming@ajou.ac.kr at your earliest convenience.

Q18) When can I receive the necessary documents? (*new)

A18) For the physical exchange students, the admission package which includes Letter of Invitation and Certificate of Admission will be sent in early January via email and post. The original copies will be sent to the university. If the student needs to receive the original copies due to COVID-19, please ask your coordinator to let us know.

For the virtual exchange students, we will send Letter of Invitation as a confirmation to your enrollment at Ajou University with necessary academic information via email.

Q19) When do I need to apply for the dormitory and the course registration? (*new)

A19) The dormitory application will be open from January 18th to 22nd via online. The detailed guideline for dormitory application and course registration will be included in the pre-arrival information package which will be sent to the students via email in end of December or early January.

The tentative list of courses offered in English for Spring 2021 will be uploaded at https://www.ajou.ac.kr/oia/incoming/english-course.do in the end of December or early January. The final list of courses will be uploaded in the end of January. The course registration for both physical and virtual exchange program will be held in mid-February.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at incoming@ajou.ac.kr.

Thank you.