[외국인유학생 시간제취업 확인서_Part-time Work of Foreign Student Confirmation Form]
외국인유학생 시간제취업 확인서 입니다. 다운로드하여 활용하시기 바랍니다.
Please find the Part-time Work of Foreign Student Confirmation Form. Please download the form, and use for your own purpose.
더불어 외국인유학생 시간제취업을 위한 필요 서류와 자격 요건을 안내드립니다.
1. 필요 서류
2. 자격 요건
* 자세한 자격 요건은 아래 표를 참고하시기 바랍니다.
Here are the necessary documents and qualification requirements Part-time Work of Foreign Student.
1. necessary documents
2. Qualification requirements
- 1st and 2nd graders (0th to 4th semesters): 20 hours on weekdays and no weekend restrictions when acquiring Topik Grade 3 or higher.
- 3rd to 4th graders (5th to 8th semesters or higher): 20 hours on weekdays, no weekend restrictions when obtaining the topic level 4 or higher.
- If the above qualifications are not met, only 10 hours, including weekdays and weekends, are possible.
International Admission Office