
[학사] 학위청구논문 제출자격 기한초과자에 대한 자격회복 신청안내

학위청구논문 제출자격 기한초과자에 대한

자격회복 신청안내


2022년 1학기 학위청구논문 제출 희망자 중 청구논문 제출자격 기한초과자에 대하여 논문제출 자격회복을 아래와 같이 접수하고자 하오니 해당자는 관련서류를 정해진 기일 내에 제출하여 주시기 바랍니다.


1. 대상자 2022-1학기 학위청구논문 제출 희망자(2022년 8월 졸업 예정자중 입학시점 기준으로 석사과정 6박사과정 및 석·박사통합과정 10년을 초과한 자 (휴학기간은 이 기간에서 제외)

※ 이전학기에 학위청구논문 제출자격회복신청 후학위청구논문을 제출하지 않고 이번학기에 다시 학위청구논문을 제출하고자 하는 경우 다시 자격회복을 신청해야 함


2. 신청기간 2022.01.21.() ~ 2021.01.28.()


3. 제출서류 학위청구논문 제출자격 회복신청서 1

4. 승인절차학위청구논문 제출자격 회복신청서 작성지도교수 서명학과제출대학원장 승인에 따른 자격 재부여연구등록(등록금 납부)학위청구논문 제출


 첨 부 학위청구논문 제출자격 회복신청서 



Application for restoration of qualification for submitting the thesis for Spring semester, 2022


Through this application process, Students can acquire (regain) the qualification for submitting the thesis with the approval from Dean of graduate school. Please check the detailed information stated below.


1. Applicants : Those who meet two requirements stated below.

- Students who are scheduled to submit the thesis for degree in Spring semester, 2022 (who are scheduled to graduate in Aug, 2022)

- Students who lost the qualification for submitting the thesis due to excess of expiration date.

The expiration date for submission of thesis is for 6 years in Master’s course, for 10 years in Doctorate and Integrated(Combined) courses after entering school(admission). (Except for the period of Leave of Absence)


2. Period for Application : Jan 21st(Fri) ~ Jan 28th(Fri), 2022


3. Required documents : Application form for restoration of qualification for submitting the thesis (Attachment)


4. Procedure : Fill out the application form Get the Signature from Academic advisor on the form Submit it to department office Regain the Qualification for submission through approval from Dean of Graduate school Research Registration Submission of thesis for degree



Attachment: Application form for restoration of qualification for submitting the thesis for degree