

이형천LEE, Hyung Chun

  • 소속 수학과
  • 연구실
  • 이메일 hclee@ajou.ac.kr
  • 내선번호


  • 유체제어, 유한요소법, 수치편미분방정식, 차수축소, 불확실성의 정량화.


  • 1994.07 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University 박사


    아주대학교 조교수, 부교수, 교수, 입학처장, 자연과학대학장, 교육대학원장.
    University of California Irvine 조교수, 경북대학교 조교수.
    방문교수: Iowa State University, Florida State University, Cambridge University.
    서울대학교 객원교수.


    Control of Fluid Flows, Finite Element Method, Numerical PDEs, Reduced Order Modeling, Uncertainty Quantifications.


    한국산업응용수학회 회장.


  • [논문] Gunzburger, Max, 이형천, Comparison of approaches for random PDE optimization problems based on different matching functional, COMPUTERS & MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS, Vol.73, No.8, pp. 1657-1672 (4월, 2017)
  • [논문] 이형천, 김광연, A posteriori error estimators for stabilized P1 nonconforming approximation of the Stokes problem, COMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING, Vol.199, pp. 2903-2912 (11월, 2010)
  • [논문] 이형천, John Burkardt, Max Gunzburger, POD and CVT-based reduced-order modeling of Navier-Stokes flows, Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering, Vol.196, No.1, pp. 337-355 (10월, 2006)
  • [논문] 이형천, Gregory Seregin, Max D. Gunzburger, Global existence of weak solutions for viscous incompressible flows around a moving rigid body in three dimensions, Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics, Vol.2, No.3, pp. 219-266 (10월, 2000)
  • [논문] 이형천, Max D. Gunzburger, Feedback Control of Karman Vortex Shedding, Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol.63, No.3, pp. 828-835 (9월, 1996)


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  • [논문] 이형천, Efficient computations for linear feedback control problems for target velocity matching of Navier-Stokes flows via POD and LSTM-ROM, ELECTRONIC RESEARCH ARCHIVE, Vol.29, No.3, pp. 2533-2552 (8월, 2021)
  • [논문] 김석찬, 이형천, Error estimate of a finite element method for an optimal control problem with corner singularity using the stress intensity factor, NUMERICAL METHODS FOR PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS, pp. 1-17 (7월, 2021)
  • [논문] Zhiqiang Cai, 이형천, 김석찬, Error estimate of a finite element method using stress intensity factor, COMPUTERS & MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS, Vol.76, No.10, pp. 2402-2408 (11월, 2018)
  • [논문] 최영미, 이형천, Error analysis of finite element approximations of the optimal control problem for stochastic Stokes equations with additive white noise, APPLIED NUMERICAL MATHEMATICS, Vol.133, pp. 144-160 (11월, 2018)
  • [논문] Gunzburger, Max, 이형천, Comparison of approaches for random PDE optimization problems based on different matching functional, COMPUTERS & MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS, Vol.73, No.8, pp. 1657-1672 (4월, 2017)
  • [논문] 남윤, 이형천, Sparse grid stochastic collocation method for stochastic Burgers equation, JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY, Vol.54, No.1, pp. 193-213 (1월, 2017)
  • [논문] 김석찬, 이형천, A finite element method for computing accurate solutions for Poisson equations with corner singularities using the stress intensity factor, COMPUTERS & MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS, Vol.11, pp. 2330-2337 (6월, 2016)
  • [논문] 남윤, 이형천, Distributed Control of the Stochastic Burgers Equation with Random Input Data, EAST ASIAN JOURNAL ON APPLIED MATHEMATICS, Vol.1, pp. 89-108 (2월, 2016)
  • [논문] 박광일, 이형천, Distributed Feedback Control of the Benjamin-Bona-Mahony-Burgers Equation by a Reduced-Order Model, EAST ASIAN JOURNAL ON APPLIED MATHEMATICS, Vol.5, No.1, pp. 61-74 (2월, 2015)
  • [논문] 최영미, 김수현, 이형천, Finite Element Approximations of the Optimal Control Problems for Stochastic Stokes Equations, BULLETIN OF THE KOREAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY, Vol.51, No.3, pp. 847-862 (5월, 2014)
  • [논문] 김나리, 이형천, Sparse grid collocation method for an optimal control problem involving a stochastic partial differential equation with random inputs, EAST ASIAN JOURNAL ON APPLIED MATHEMATICS, Vol.4, No.2, pp. 166-188 (5월, 2014)
  • [논문] 이형천, Lee, Jangwoon, A Stochastic Galerkin Method for Stochastic Control Problems, COMMUNICATIONS IN COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS, Vol.14, No.1, pp. 77-106 (7월, 2013)
  • [논문] 전영목, 이형천, A cell boundary element method for s flux control problem, JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY, Vol.50, No.1, pp. 81-93 (1월, 2013)
  • [논문] 최영미, 김상동, 이형천, Convergence of the Newton's method for an optimal control problems for Navier-Stokes equations, BULLETIN OF THE KOREAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY, pp. 1079-1092 (11월, 2011)
  • [논문] 이형천, 김광연, A posteriori error estimators for stabilized P1 nonconforming approximation of the Stokes problem, COMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING, Vol.199, pp. 2903-2912 (11월, 2010)
  • [논문] 이형천, 김광연, A posteriori error estimators for nonconforming finite element methods of the linear elasticity problem, JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS, Vol.235, pp. 186-202 (11월, 2010)
  • [논문] 박광일, 이형천, Boundary Feedback Control of the Burgers Equations by a Reduced-Order Approach Using Centroidal Voronoi Tessellations, JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC COMPUTING, Vol.43, No.3, pp. 369-387 (6월, 2010)
  • [논문] 김상동, 류수록, 이형천, First-Order System Least-Squares Methods for a Flux Control Problem by the Stokes Flow, COMMUNICATIONS IN COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS, Vol.7, No.4, pp. 738-758 (4월, 2010)
  • [논문] 이형천, 최영미, 김상동, Analysis and computations of least squares method for optimal control problems for the Stokes equations, JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY, Vol.46, No.5, pp. 1007-1025 (9월, 2009)
  • [논문] 이형천, 김상동, 유수록, First-order system least-squares methods for an optimal control problem by the Stokes flow, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, Vol.47, No.2, pp. 1524-1545 (4월, 2009)
  • [논문] 이형천, Optimal control problems for the two dimensional Rayleigh_Benard type convection by a gradient method, Japan Journal of Industrial and applied mathematics, Vol.26, No.1, pp. 93-121 (2월, 2009)
  • [논문] 이형천, Li Tian, Lili Ju, NUmerical simulations of the steady Navier-Stokes using adaptive meshing schemes, International Jounal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, Vol.56, No.6, pp. 703-721 (2월, 2008)
  • [논문] 이형천, Hyesuk Lee, Analysis and finite element approximation of an optimal control problem for the Oseen viscoelastic fluid flow, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol.336, No.1, pp. 1090-1106 (11월, 2007)
  • [논문] 이형천, 최영미, 신병천, A least-squares/penalty method for distributed optimal control problems for Stokes equations, An International Journal Computers And Mathematics with Applications, Vol.53, No.1, pp. 1672-1685 (5월, 2007)
  • [논문] 이형천, 박광일, 이성환, Redeuced-order modeling of Burgers equations based on centroidal Voronoi tessellation, International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling, Vol.4, No.3, pp. 559-583 (2월, 2007)
  • [논문] 이형천, John Burkardt, Max Gunzburger, POD and CVT-based reduced-order modeling of Navier-Stokes flows, Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering, Vol.196, No.1, pp. 337-355 (10월, 2006)
  • [논문] 이형천, 최영미, Analysis and approximation of linear feedback control problems for the Boussinesq equations, Computers and mathematics with applications, Vol.51, pp. 829-848 (4월, 2006)
  • [논문] 이형천, John Burkardt, Max Gunzburger, Centroidal Voronoi tessellation-based reduced-order modeling of complex systems, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, Vol.28, No.2, pp. 459-484 (4월, 2006)
  • [논문] 이형천, Max Gunzburger, Reduced-order modeling of Navier-Stokes equations via centroidal Voronoi tessellation, Contemporary Mathematics, Vol.383, No.1, pp. 213-224 (1월, 2006)
  • [논문] 이형천, 신병천, Fully discrete approximation of a velocity and temperature tracking problem for the Boussinesq equations with piecewise distributed controls, Math. Meth. Appl. Sci., Vol.28, pp. 1977-2006 (7월, 2005)
  • [논문] 이형천, TIMOFEY SHILKIN, Analysis of optimal control problems for the two-dimensional thermistor system, SIAM J. Control Optim., Vol.44, No.1, pp. 268-282 (7월, 2005)
  • [논문] 이형천, 김수현, 김영관, FInite element approximations and computations of optimal control problems for the stationary Boussinesq equations with distributed and Neumann boundary controls, Far East Journal of Applied mathematics, Vol.20, No.1, pp. 61-100 (7월, 2005)
  • [논문] 이형천, 김수현, Finite element approximation and computations of optimal dirichlet boundary control problems for the Boussinesq equations, Journal of Korean Math. Soc., Vol.41, No.4, pp. 681-715 (7월, 2004)
  • [논문] 이형천, 신병천, 이상동, Least-squares spectral collocation method for the Stokes equations, Nemerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, Vol.20, No.1, pp. 128-139 (1월, 2004)
  • [논문] 이형천, 김상도, 신병천, Pseudospectral least-squares method for the second-order elliptic boundary value problem, SIAM Journal of Numerical Analysis, Vol.41, No.4, pp. 1370-1387 (10월, 2003)
  • [논문] 이형천, Analysis and computational methods of Dirichlet boundary optimal control problems for 2D Boussinesq equations, Advances in Computational Mathematics, Vol.17, pp. 1-21 (12월, 2002)
  • [논문] 이형천, Dynamics for controlled 2-D Boussinesq syatems with distributed controld, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applicaations, Vol.273, No.2, pp. 457-479 (9월, 2002)
  • [논문] 이형천, 신병춘, Dynamics for Linear Feedback Controlled Two-Dimensional Benard Equations with Distributed Controls, Applied Mathematics and Optimization (Spronger-Verlag), Vol.44, No.2, pp. 163-175 (9월, 2001)
  • [논문] 이형천, Gregory Seregin, Max D. Gunzburger, Global existence of weak solutions for viscous incompressible flows around a moving rigid body in three dimensions, Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics, Vol.2, No.3, pp. 219-266 (10월, 2000)
  • [논문] 이형천, Oleg Imanuvilov, Analysis of Neumann boundary optimal control problems for the stationary Boussinesq equations including solid media, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, Vol.39, No.2, pp. 457-477 (9월, 2000)
  • [논문] 이형천, Analysis of optimal control problems for the 2-D stationary Boussinesq equations, Journal of mathematical analysis and applications, Vol.242, pp. 191-211 (2월, 2000)
  • [논문] 이형천, 최영미, A least-squares method for optimal control problems for a second-order elliptic system in two dimensions, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol.242, pp. 105-128 (2월, 2000)
  • [논문] 이형천, 신병춘, Piecewise optimal distributed controls for 2D Boussinesq equations, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, Vol.23, pp. 227-254 (2월, 2000)
  • [논문] 이형천, Max D. Gunzburger, A penalty/least-squares method for optimal control problems for first-order elliptic systems, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol.107, pp. 57-75 (1월, 2000)
  • [논문] 이형천, Max D. Gunzburger, Analysis and approximation of optimal control problems for first-order elliptic systems in three dimensions, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol.100, No.1, pp. 49-70 (4월, 1999)
  • [논문] 이형천, Max D. Gunzburger, Feedback Control of Karman Vortex Shedding, Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol.63, No.3, pp. 828-835 (9월, 1996)
  • [논문] 이장운, 이형천, The h*p finite element method for optimal control problems constrained by stochastic elliptic PDEs, JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN SOCIETY FOR INDUSTRIAL AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS , Vol.19, No.4, pp. 387-407 (12월, 2015)
  • [논문] 이형천, 최영미, ANALYSIS OF VELOCITY-FLUX FIRST-ORDER SYSTEM LEAST-SQUARES PRINCIPLES FOR THE OPTIMAL CONTROL PROBLEMS FOR THE NAVIER-STOKES EQUATIONS, Journal of the Korean Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Vol.14, No.2, pp. 125-140 (6월, 2010)
  • [논문] 박광일, 이준엽, 이형천, DISTRIBUTED FEEDBACK CONTROL OF THE BURGERS EQUATION BY A REDUCED-ORDER APPROACH USING WEIGHTED CENTROIDAL VORONOI TESSELLATION, Journal of the Korean Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Vol.13, No.4, pp. 293-305 (12월, 2009)
  • [논문] 이형천, GUAUG-RIPIAO, QIANG DU, Adaptive CVT-based reduced-order modeling of Burgers equation, Journal of the Korean Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Vol.13, No.2, pp. 141-159 (6월, 2009)
  • [논문] 이형천, 김상동, 신병천, 최영미, Analysis of first-order system Least-squares for the optimal control problems for the Navier-Stokes problems, Journal of the Korean Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Vol.11, No.4, pp. 1-13 (12월, 2007)
  • [논문] 이형천, Reduction of Modes for the Computations of Navier-Stokes Equations, Trends in Mathematics, Vol.6, No.1, pp. 51-55 (6월, 2003)
  • [논문] 이형천, 이용훈, Finite element approximation and computations of boundary optimal control problems for the Navier-Stokes flow through a channel with steps, Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society, Vol.36, No.1, pp. 195-214 (1월, 1999)
  • [논문] 이형천, Analysis of some nonlocal boundary value problems associated with feedback control, Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society, Vol.35, No.2, pp. 325-338 (5월, 1998)
  • [논문] 이형천, Iteration Method for Constrained Optimization Problems Governed by PDE, Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society, Vol.13, No.1, pp. 195-209 (1월, 1998)
  • [논문] 이형천, Analysis and Computations of Optimal and Feedback Control Problems for Navier-Stokes Equations, Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society, Vol.34, No.4, pp. 841-857 (11월, 1997)
  • [논문] 이형천, Max D. Gunzburger, Analysis of some boundary value problems for Stokes flows, Kyungpook Mathematical Journal, Vol.35, No.3, pp. 501-512 (3월, 1996)
  • [학술회의] 이형천, Reduced Order Modeling for Linear Feedback Control Problems for Tarket Velocity Matching Problem via POD and LSTM, IAS Conference on Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Vol.1, No.1, pp. 1-1 (1월, 2021)
  • [학술회의] 이형천, Computations for Linear Feedback Control Problem of Navier-Stokes Flows using LSTM ROM, UKC 2020, Vol.1, No.1, pp. 1-1 (12월, 2020)
  • [학술회의] 이형천, Numerical Approximations for Optimal Control Problems of Stochastic PDEs, 9th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Matheamtics, Vol.1, No.1, pp. 374-374 (7월, 2019)
  • [학술회의] 이형천, NUmerical Methods for Stochastic Optimal Control Problems for PDEs with Additive Noise, ICCM 2018 - International Conference on Computational Mathematics, Vol.2108, No.1, pp. 14-14 (10월, 2018)
  • [학술회의] 이형천, Efficient numerical methods for stochastic optimal control problems for PDEs, EASIAM 2018, Vol.1, No.1, pp. 28-28 (6월, 2018)
  • [학술회의] 이형천, Analysis and Computations of Fluid FLows, EASIAM, pp. 3-3 (6월, 2017)
  • [학술회의] 이형천, Computations of Stochastic Optimal Control Problems, 20th IMACS World Congress, Vol.1, No.1, pp. 1-1 (12월, 2016)
  • [학술회의] 이형천, Computational approaches for random PDE optimization problems based on different matching functionals, International Conference for the 70th Anniversary of Korean Mathematical Society, Vol.1, No.1, pp. 1-1 (10월, 2016)
  • [학술회의] 이형천, Feedback Control of the Stochastic Burgers Equation with Random Input Data, UKC 2016 , (8월, 2016)
  • [학술회의] 이형천, Gunzburger, Analysis and computations of stochastic optimal control problems for stochastic partial differential equations, 7th European Congress of Mathematics, Vol.1, pp. 603-603 (7월, 2016)
  • [학술회의] 이형천, New finite element method to compute accurate solution for Poisson equation with domain singularities, Advanced in Scientific Computing and Applied Mathematics, Vol.1, No.1, pp. 1-1 (10월, 2015)
  • [학술회의] 이형천, Computations of some optimal control problems for stochastic partial differential equations, ICIAM 2015, Vol.1, No.1, pp. 173-173 (8월, 2015)
  • [학술회의] 이형천, Sparse grid stochastic collocation method for Burgers equation, UKC 2015, Vol.1, No.1, pp. 44-44 (7월, 2015)
  • [학술회의] 이형천, 남윤, An Efficient Sparse Grid Stochastic Collocation Method for Stochastic Burgers Equations, ICM 2014 Sattellite Conference - International Workshop on Computational Mathematics, (8월, 2014)
  • [학술회의] 남윤, 이형천, Sparse grid stochastic collocation method for stochastic Burgers equation driven by additive noises, EASIAM 2014 The 10th East Asia Section of SIAM Confernce, Vol.1, No.1, pp. 70-70 (6월, 2014)
  • [학술회의] 이형천, Partial Differential Equations using Reduced-order Modeling, The second international conference on Engineering and computational mathematics, Vol.2013, No.1, pp. 52-53 (12월, 2013)
  • [학술회의] 이형천, A posteriori Error Estimates for Stabilized P1 Nonconforming Aprroximation of the Stokes Problem, International Workshop on Computational and Applied Mathematics, pp. 13-13 (5월, 2013)
  • [학술회의] 이형천, A stochastic sparse grid collocation method for stochastic optimal control problem, International Conference in Mathematics and Applications 2013, Vol.1, No.1, pp. 32-32 (1월, 2013)
  • [학술회의] 이형천, A sparse grid collocation method for Stochastic optimal control problems, 2012 Academic Exchange Meeting of Mathematical workers betwween China and Korea, (12월, 2012)
  • [학술회의] 이형천, A stochastic sparse grid collocation method for stochastic optimal control problems, The second international conference on scientific computing, Vol.2, No.1, pp. 23-23 (5월, 2012)
  • [학술회의] 이형천, Analysis and Finite Element Approximations of Optimal COntrol Problems for Stochastic PDEs, SIAM Conference on Uncertainty Quantification, pp. 88-88 (4월, 2012)
  • [학술회의] 이형천, 이장운, Stochastic Finite Element method for stochastic control problems, International Conference on Boundary and Interior Layers, Vol.1, No.1, pp. 1-1 (2월, 2012)
  • [학술회의] 이형천, Numerical Approximations for Stochastic Optimal Control Problems, 7th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Vol.1, No.1, pp. 324-325 (7월, 2011)
  • [학술회의] 이형천, Analysis and Computations of Optimal Control Problems for Stochastic Partial Differential Equations, Workshop on Foundations of Numerical PDEs, FoCM2011, Vol.1, No.1, pp. 1-1 (7월, 2011)
  • [학술회의] 이형천, Max D Gunzburger, 이장운, Analysis and Computations of an Optimal Control Problems for Stochastic PDEs, Yonsei CSE International Workshop on CFD & Computational Mathematics, Vol.1, No.1, pp. 119-134 (9월, 2010)
  • [학술회의] 이형천, Analysis and Finite Element Approximations of Optimal Neumann Boundary Control Problems for Stochastic PDEs, The 6th EAST ASIA SIAM, Vol.1, No.1, pp. 37-37 (6월, 2010)
  • [학술회의] 이형천, FInite element approximations of stochastic optimal Neumann boundary control problems, International Workshop on Scientific Computing and Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations, Vol.1, pp. 3-4 (6월, 2010)
  • [학술회의] 이형천, 확률편미분방정식의 최적제어 문제에 대한 수치해법, Uncertainty Quantification, Vol.1, No.1, pp. 13-13 (5월, 2010)
  • [학술회의] 이형천, POD and CVT based reduced-order modeling for partial differential equations, 제 1 회 중국수학회-대한수학회 공동학술회의 , Vol.1, No.1, pp. 92-92 (5월, 2010)
  • [학술회의] 이형천, POD and CVT based reduced-order modeling for partial differential equations, Workshop on Challenges and Advances in Computational Material Simulation and Design, Vol.2009, No.1, pp. 8-8 (7월, 2009)
  • [학술회의] 이형천, First-order system least-squares methods for a flux control problem by the Stokes flow, The 5th EASIAM Conference (부르나이), Vol.2009, No.1, pp. 34-34 (6월, 2009)
  • [학술회의] 이형천, Optimal Control Problems for the two dimensional Rayleih-B\'{e}nard convection by a gradient method, The second international conference on information and systems sciences, Vol.2008, No.1, pp. 1-1 (12월, 2008)
  • [학술회의] 이형천, An adaptive CFCVDT meshing schemes for Navier-Stokes equations, The second China-Japan-Korea Conference on Numerical Mathematics, Vol.2, No.1, pp. 7-7 (8월, 2008)
  • [학술회의] 이형천, Differential Equations Using Reduced Order Modeling, UKC2008, Vol.2008, No.1, pp. 36-36 (8월, 2008)
  • [학술회의] 이형천, Reduced-Order Modeling Of Optimal Control Problems For Navier-Stokes Equations, The 3rd East Asia SIAM Conference, Vol.3, No.1, pp. 1-1 (11월, 2007)
  • [학술회의] 이형천, Lili Ju, Adaptive finite-element meshing scheme for the Steady Navier-Stokes Equations, 6th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Vol.2007, No.1, pp. 1-1 (7월, 2007)
  • [학술회의] 이형천, Computations of optimal control problems for Navier-Stokes flows using POD and CVT-based ROM, International Conference on Recent Developments of Numerical Schemes for Flow Problems, Vol.2007, No.1, pp. 81-86 (6월, 2007)
  • [학술회의] 이형천, Adaptive Numerical Simulations of the Steady Navier-Stokes Equations, NIMS Interantional Workshop on Fluid Dynamics, Vol.2007, No.1, pp. 1-1 (6월, 2007)
  • [학술회의] 이형천, Reduced Order Modeling of Partial Differential Equations Via CVT, 2007 SIAM Confernce on Computational Science and Engineering, Vol.2007, No.1, pp. 105-105 (2월, 2007)
  • [학술회의] 이형천, Redeuced Order Modeling of PDE and MD, International conference on Recent Advances in Scientific Computationa, Vol.2006, No.1, pp. 18-18 (6월, 2006)
  • [학술회의] 이형천, 박광일, Feedback control of the Burgers equation by a CVT-based reduced-order modeling, MAASS 85th Annual meeting, Vol.85, pp. 1-1 (3월, 2006)
  • [학술회의] 이형천, Computations of optimal control problems for the stationary BEnard problem, The 2nd International Conference on Scientific Computing and Partial Differential Equations, Vol.2, No.1, pp. 61-61 (12월, 2005)
  • [학술회의] 이형천, 최영미, Linear feedback control problems for the Boussinesq equations, Workshop on Numerical Analysis of Flow Problems and Validated Computations, Vol.2005, No.1, pp. 30-39 (11월, 2005)
  • [학술회의] 이형천, Maria Emelianenko, Qiang Du, Xiaoqiang Wang, Ideal point distributions, best mode selections and optimal spatial partitions via centroidal voronoi tesseallations, The 2nd International Symposium on Voronoi Diagrams in Science and Engineering, Vol.2, No.1, pp. 325-333 (10월, 2005)
  • [학술회의] 이형천, 이성환, Reduced-order modeling of Burgers equations based on centroidal Voronoi tessellation, The 2nd International Symposium on Voronoi Diagrams in Science and Engineering, Vol.2, No.1, pp. 346-357 (10월, 2005)
  • [학술회의] 이형천, Reduced-order modeling of partial differential equations via POD and CVT, JSAIM 2005 Annual Meeting, Vol.2005, No.1, pp. 125-125 (9월, 2005)
  • [학술회의] 이형천, Optimal control problems for thermistor system, The sixth SIAM Confernece on Control and Its Applications, Vol.6, No.1, pp. 218-218 (7월, 2005)
  • [학술회의] 이형천, Analysis of optimal control problem for the two dimensional thermistor system, 제3회 한중 수치해석 워크샵, Vol.2005, No.1, pp. 1-1 (2월, 2005)
  • [학술회의] 이형천, Centroidal Voronoi Tessellations based reduced-order modeling of complex flows including control of fluid flows, SIAM COnference on Computational Sciences and Engineering, Vol.2005, No.1, pp. 280-280 (2월, 2005)
  • [학술회의] 이형천, John Burkardt, Max D. Gunzburger, PDE Model Reduction by Clustering, 2004 SIAM Annual meeting, Vol.AN04, No.1, pp. 145-146 (7월, 2004)
  • [학술회의] 이형천, Some numerical computations of reduced order model of complex systems, Recent advances in adaptive computation, Vol.2004, No.1, pp. 36-36 (5월, 2004)
  • [학술회의] 이형천, Analysis and computations of linear feedback control problems for the Boussinesq equations, Com^2MaC Conference on Computatational Mathematics, Vol.2, No.1, pp. 33-33 (12월, 2003)
  • [학술회의] 이형천, Burkardt, John, Du, Qiang, Gunzburger, Max, Reduced order modeling of complex systems, 20th Biennial confernece on Numerical Anaysis 2003, Vol.217, No.1, pp. 29-38 (6월, 2003)
  • [학술회의] 이형천, Pseudo-Spectral Least-Squares for Elliptic and Stokes Problems, 2003 SIAM Annual Meeting, Vol.2003, No.1, pp. 81-81 (6월, 2003)
  • [학술회의] 이형천, Reduced-order modeling of Navier-Stokes system based on centroid Voronoi tessellaation, 제2회 한중 수치해석 워크샵, Vol.2, No.1, pp. 12-12 (2월, 2003)
  • [학술회의] 이형천, Computations of a velocity and temperature tracking problem for the Boussinesq equations with piecewise distributed controls, Navier-Stokes Equations and Related Topics, Vol.8, No.1, pp. 42-42 (9월, 2002)
  • [학술회의] 이형천, Fully discrete approximation of a velocity and temperature tracking problem for the Boussinesq equations with piecewise distributed controls, Satellite conference on Scientific Computing of ICM2002-Beijing, Vol.2002, No.1, pp. 41-41 (8월, 2002)
  • [학술회의] 이형천, Analysis and computations of Nuemann boundary optimal control problems for the stationary Boussinesq equations, 40th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Vol.40, No.1, pp. 4503-4508 (12월, 2001)
  • [학술회의] 이형천, Study on viscous incompressible flows around a moving rigid body, International conference on partial differential equations, Vol.2001, No.1, pp. 1-13 (12월, 2001)
  • [학술회의] 이형천, Analysis and computations of viscous incompressible flows around a moving rigid body, SIAM Annual Meeting, Vol.2001, No.1, pp. 134-134 (7월, 2001)
  • [학술회의] 이형천, Analysis of viscous incompressible flows around a moving rigid body, 965회 미국수학회 정기학술회의, Vol.965, No.1, pp. 76-76 (4월, 2001)
  • [학술회의] 이형천, Numerical methods for incompressible viscous flow around moving rigid bodies, The first Chinese-Korean Joint Workshop on Recent Advances in Numerical Analysis and Its Application, Vol.1, No.1, pp. 00-00 (2월, 2001)
  • [학술회의] 이형천, 전영목, Dynamics for controlled Boussinesq equations, Pacific Rim Dynamical Systems Conference, Vol.-, No.-, pp. 84-84 (8월, 2000)
  • [학술회의] 이형천, Optimal control of 2D Boussinesq equations, International workshop on differntial equations, Vol.1999, No.1, pp. 110-110 (7월, 1999)
  • [학술회의] 이형천, 김수현, 최영미, Least squares methods for optimal control problems, The 19th Daewoo workshop, Vol.1999, No.1, pp. 1-17 (7월, 1999)
  • [학술회의] 이형천, Optimal control of Boussinesq system, Recent Trends and Advances in PDEs and Numerical PDEs, pp. 9-9 (8월, 1998)
  • [학술회의] 이형천, Analysis and approximation of optimal control problems for div-curl systems in three dimensions, Inverse problems and related topics, Vol._, No._, pp. _-_ (2월, 1998)
  • [학술회의] 이형천, Analysis and Computation of boundary optimal control of incompressible flows, The 4th Korea-Japan PDE Conference, (12월, 1996)
  • [학술회의] 이형천, Reduced order modeling for non-linear PDEs using deep neural network, 대한수학회 봄 연구 발표회, Vol.1, pp. 40-40 (7월, 2020)
  • [학술회의] 이형천, Applied Mathematics, Scientific Computing and Interdisciplinary Study, 한국산업응용수학회 2012 학술대회, Vol.1, No.1, pp. 11-11 (11월, 2012)
  • [학술회의] 이형천, An optimal control problem of stochastic partial differential equations, 한국산업응용수학회 학술대회, Vol.2, (11월, 2011)
  • [학술회의] 이형천, Optimal control problems for the two dimensional Rayleih-Benard convection, NIMS WOrkshop "Mathematical Analysis, Numerics and Applications in fluid and gas dynamics, Vol.2009, No.1, pp. 1-1 (2월, 2009)
  • [학술회의] 이형천, POD, CVT를 이용한 나비어-스톡스 방정식의 제어문제의 모델 리덕션, 2007년도 대한수학회 가을연구발표회, Vol.44, No.2, pp. 105-106 (10월, 2007)
  • [학술회의] 이형천, 나비어-스톡스 유체의 Reduced-order 모델링, 2005 대한수학회 정기총회 및 가을연구발표회, Vol.2005, No.2, pp. 39-39 (10월, 2005)
  • [학술회의] 이형천, Reduced-order optimal control problems for Navier-Stokes equations, 제13회 응용수학포럼, Vol.13, No.1, pp. 6-6 (8월, 2004)
  • [학술회의] 이형천, 최영미, Analysis and approximation of linear feedback control problems for the Boussinesq equations, 2003년도 KSCAM 학술발표회, Vol.2003, No.1, pp. 6-6 (9월, 2003)
  • [학술회의] 이형천, Centroidal Voronoi tessellation-based reduced-order modeling of Navier-Stokes equations, 2003년도 KSCAM 학술발표회, Vol.2003, No.1, pp. 1-1 (9월, 2003)
  • [학술회의] 이형천, 최영미, Computational methods for stabilization of the Boussinesq equations via internal feedback controls, 제11회 응용수학포럼, Vol.11, No.1, pp. 19-19 (8월, 2003)
  • [학술회의] 이형천, Reduced-ordered modeling for computations for the time-dependent Navier-Stokes equations, 2002년도 가을 연구발표회, Vol.39, No.2, pp. 56-56 (10월, 2002)
  • [학술회의] 이형천, Computational methods for optimal control problems of fluid flows, 2002 한국전산응용수학회 학술발표대회, Vol.2002, pp. 20-20 (9월, 2002)
  • [학술회의] 이형천, Computations of optimal control problems for the stationary Boussinesq equations, Conference on Copmutational Mathematics, Vol.1, No.1, pp. 78-79 (7월, 2001)
  • [학술회의] 이형천, 점성, 비압축성 유체의 제어, 대한수학회 봄 연구발표화, Vol.36, No.1, pp. 34-34 (4월, 1999)
  • [학술회의] 이형천, O.Y Imanuvilov, Analysis of optimal control problems for Boussinesq system, 대한수학회 1998년 가을 연구발표회, Vol.35, No.2, pp. 25-25 (8월, 1998)
  • [학술회의] 이형천, Optimal control problems in fluid mechanics, '98 수리과학정보센터 학술대회, Vol.2, pp. 1-9 (8월, 1998)
  • [학술회의] 이형천, New Iteration Method for Constrained Optimization Problems, 대한수학회 논문 초록집, Vol.34, No.2, pp. 52-52 (10월, 1997)
  • [학술회의] 이형천, Analysis and Least Squares Finite Element Approximation of Optimal Control Problems, _, Vol._, No._, pp. _-_ (10월, 1997)
  • [학술회의] 이형천, Karhunen-Loeve Decomosition을 이용한 캐오스 계산, 정기학술대회, Vol.33, No.1, (4월, 1996)
  • [저서] 남명자, 김공열, 김덕중, 김병기, 김호섭, 박옥걸, 방승진, 이광영, 이승호, 이중섭, 이형천, 전영목, 전재석, 하영화, 강성빈, 권오남, 권이종, 김유태, 김정일, 박영숙, 백순근, 송교식, 송병국, 우마고시, 이성락, 임선하, 장훈, 한옥동, 한인기, 수학 1정 자격연수 교재, (7월, 2000)