
수학과 졸업생 강연회 안내[5.16 목]

  • 정순랑
  • 2024-05-13
  • 41

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5/16 (목)에 전영목 교수님의 초대로 아주대 수학과 출신으로 현재 메사추세츠 대학에 계신 조민형 교수님의 강연이 예정되어 있습니다. 많은 참여와 관심 부탁 드립니다.


강연자: 조민형 교수님(University of Massachusetts Lowell)

일시: 5월 16일(목) 16:40~17:30

장소: 팔달관 621호

제목: Integral equation methods for simulating waves in layered media


Waves in layered media have diverse applications in Optics and Electromagnetics. Numerical simulation plays an important role in the design and optimization of modern devices like diffraction grating and solar cells. In this talk, an integral equation method for the Helmholtz equation for simulating wave scattering from layered media will be discussed. In the case of periodically patterned layered media in both two and three dimensions, the solution of the Helmholtz equation is expressed as a sum of near and distant fields using the free-space Green’s function rather than quasi-periodic Green’s function. Subsequently, by enforcing  boundary conditions on this solution, we derive a set of integral equations for the N layers. The resulting linear system can be reduced to a block-tridiagonal matrix using the Schur complement and it can be solved efficiently with linear computational complexity in a number of layers. This approach overcomes slow convergence and Wood anomaly issues associated with the quasi-periodic Green’s function, making it capable of handling a large number of layers. The effectiveness of this method is demonstrated through numerical examples.
