
2023-2학기 날개 달린 수학 강연회 안내 [11/ 2 목]

  • 정순랑
  • 2023-11-03
  • 282

2023-2학기 학부생을 위한 날개 달린 수학 일정입니다.

Cryptography: Encryption, Digital Signature and Key Agreement are fundamental primitives to protect data and setup secure protocols used for our dailylife. Although current cryptography is not yet broken in sense of algorithm based on current computation capability, post-quantum cryptography is the important factor to sustain secure world to the future. Authentication and attestation for the entity which will survive for the next decades might have to think about adoption of new algorithm for its scenario so it will be still secure up-to the time when current algorithm is no more strong enough. It is apparent to imagine to encrypt data via new algorithm rather than current ones, if there is a hope to keep its confidentiality to be sustainable for the future no later than 10 years.  
Secure Implementation against Physical Attacks (Side-Channel Attack, Fault-Injection Attack, Timing Attack). Cryptographic Algorithms are proven as to the security level based on mathematical problems, however, how to implement those are another pillar to be resistant againt real world attacks. In this talk, H/W level attacks will be introduced with its user scenarios and implications for mathematician would be good talking point.