
2014-1학기 제2회 수학과 Colloquium 안내 [3/28/금]

  • 수학과
  • 2014-03-26
  • 2801

2014-1학기 제2회 수학과 colloquium 일정을 아래와 같이 안내해 드리오니 많은 관심과 참여 부탁드립니다.


    [2014학년도 1학기 제2회 수학과 Colloquium]

  강연제목: The automorhpism group of the Hilbert scheme of length two of Cayley's K3 surface

  연      사: Keiji Oguiso 교수 [Osaka University]

  일      시: 3월 28일 (금요일) 오후 5:00 - 6:00

  장      소: 팔달관 621호



Professor Cayley is known for Cayley-Hamilton's theorem by every mathematician and even by almost all undergraduate students in science course. Around 1870, Professor Cayley also found very interesting quartic surfaces with rich symmetries, now called Cayley's K3 surfaces. Cayley's K3 surfaces are defined by matrices of size four in the projective space of dimension three.
In this talk, I explain first Cayley's K3 surfaces and their symmetries and then describe the birational automorphism groups of the Hilbert schemes of length two of Cayley's K3 surfaces, both in terms of geometrically explicit generators. Cayley's K3 surfaces and their punctual Hilbert schemes are very special examples of K3 surfaces and hyperkaehler manifolds, as I shall explain. Also, I would like to explain my own motivation of this work from both birational geometry and complex dynamics, especially those for hyperkaehler manifolds.