
[기타] [수학과] 석사 논문 심사 참관 안내 (서형준 대학원생)

  • 자연과학대학교학팀
  • 김가영
  • 작성일 2021-12-01
  • 조회수 2153
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석사 논문 심사 일정(서형준 대학원생)을 아래와 같이 안내드립니다.
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In 1976, Steinberg conjectured that planar graphs without 4-cycles and 5-cycles are 3-colorable. This conjecture attracted numerous researchers for about 40 years until it was disproved by Cohen-Addad et al. in 2017. However, coloring planar graphs with restrictions on cycle lengths is still an active area of research, and the interest in this particular graph class remains. 
Recently, Cho, Choi, Park (2021) showed that for a planar graph G without 4-cycles and 5-cycles, V (G) is partitioned into two sets A and B such that G[A] and G[B] are forests, a graph without a cycle, with maximum degree three and four, respectively. In this thesis, we show that for a planar graph G without 4-cycles and 5-cycles, V (G) is partitioned into two sets A and B such that G[A] is a linear forest, a forest with only a path, and G[B] has maximum degree at most 8.
일시 : 2021.12.02 (THU) 11:00
zoom 링크 : https://ajou-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/83514375133?pwd=QmJHYW81OXNFaHFPcUJHTGdDekdTZz09
회의 ID : 835 1437 5133
암호 : 825279