
Ajou GSIS Notice

8th Multicultural Unity Festival

8th Multicultural Unity Festival



To celebrate unity in the world, the Multicultural Unity Festival brings local and foreign children together to join in Multicultural Unity Festival.


Event Details


- Event Name : The 8th Multicultural Unity Festival


- Date : 2015. 5. 10(Sun) 10:30~16:00

- Venue : The 1st Suwon Outdoor Concert Hall


- Participants : Everyone who live in Korea.


- Application Fee : None


- Theme : Multicultural Unity Festival


Registration for Drawing Competition


- Application opens from : 4. 27(Mon)


- Application method

: Email(, Phone or on spot


- Registration : Suwon Migrant Community Center 김예인 Yein Kim (070-4632-7134)


* Submitted Drawing will not be returned


* Materials : Art tools, Mats, Lunch Boxes etc.

(the participants are required to prepare on their own)



Hosted by: Suwon City Hall

Suwon Immigration Office

Suwon Migrant Community Center