
Ajou GSIS Notice

Special Session for Preventive Education for Sexual Violence / Crime (4/27, 5/3)

  • 임희정
  • 2016-04-22
  • 7228


Dear international students!

Do  you think it is a crime to take pictures of a person's body or private place in Korea?

What if you can be considered as an assailant by touching someone without their permission?

You might be infringed your right to be protected due to cultural difference in between countries.

Did you know there are various laws related to sexual violence or similar crimes?















A Preventive Education for Sexual Violence / Crime will be prepared at Ajou University for your own safety.



Session 1: 2016.4.27.(Wed.) 16:30~18:00, the Auditorium(B121) Dasan Hall

Session 2: 2016.5.3.(Tues.) 16:30~18:00, the Auditorium(Rm251) Wonchon Hall

第一场:2016年4月27日(周三)4:30-6:00pm 大山馆讲堂(B121号)
第二场:2016年5月3日(周二)4:30-6:00pm 源泉馆讲堂(251号)


All the international students at Ajou University are required to attend.



Preventation of Sexual Violence Education: Kyeong-Eun Mun(Chair of Gender Research)

Preventation of Crime Education: Yang-Hyun Huh(Security Office of Suwon Nambu Police Station)