
Ajou GSIS Notice

[GSIS] Information for 2017 Spring Comprehensive Exam

Dear Students,

This is the guideline for 2017 spring term comprehensive exam
Please read the notice carefully and be fully aware of detailed information of registered courses of yours. 
Any confusions / mistakes / problems / disadvantages caused by not reading this email carefully is totally under your responsibility. There is no exception for this.



Adding to this, no electronic devices are allowed for you to use during the exam. Using any e-devices will be considered as cheating regardless of any reason, which leads the failure of passing the exam. Those who are cheating will be asked to be out from the place and will not able to complete their exam.

  • You cannot leave your seat during the exam, including going to the loo. Any absent will be considered as that you do not want to complete your exam.
  • Those who are taking comprehensive exam are asked to hand in their bag, putting in all their belongings in it. If a director discover anything left besides pens, again, you will not be able to finish your exam and need to be out as soon as a supervisor ask you to do so.



Violations of rules above will result in failing this exam.
I have attached the detailed information including the date and the venue. Please find information needed in the file.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Graduate School of International Studeis