
Ajou Univ. News

NEW [16.12.01] Ajou holds a conference on virtual reality

  • 2016-12-08
  • 24092


On November 29th in Paldal Hall, Ajou University's Center for New Industries and Convergence Technologies (Director Joo Yeoun Lee) held the second conference on new industries and convergence technologies under the theme 'Changes That Will Be Brought by Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR).'

The conference featured a lecture by Chairman Ken Swan of Eon Reality U.K. Eon Reality was established in 1999 in Irvine, California, in the U.S. and is now a global leader in VR and AR. Chairman Ken Swan contributed to making Manchester City in the U.K. a representative city in VR and AR by attracting a local Eon Reality office. During the lecture, he said, "Virtual reality will fundamentally change the way people obtain knowledge, which will make knowledge a universal product."

Ajou University signed an agreement in March with Chairman Dan Lejerskar of Eon Reality and has jointly worked on building a living lab to support the industrial convergence project in Dongtan Techno Valley, Gyeonggi-do.

Director Lee said, "Chairman Swan is a renowned expert who explored and established VR in Manchester," adding, "This conference will contribute to boosting practical research on VR and AR."