

[Notice] 2019 Summer additional application & Registration

  • 홍세라
  • 2019-05-31
  • 2067

Apply and register additional application for the Summer vacation in 2019.

Students want to receive further acceptance must apply for further application and registration as below given details.

1. Application period: 2019.05.31.  ~ 2019.06.09.
2. Additional application method
Ajou website > Notice board: or

3. Available Floor
Hwahong 1,2,3 floor & NID 2,7 Floor

The rooms can be changed according to special dormitory opening during winter vacation

We inform you that you may be assigned with Korean students who apply to NID.

4. Registration Period and Payment Method
Registration period:  2019.06.17. (Mon) ~ 06.18. (Tue)
The account number is after the room arrangement to SC BANK

5. Dormitory fees
Hwahong Hall (545,000 won -2BED /415,000 won-4BED)

NID (720,000 WON)
6. Others

Students who have passed TB test (one year valid) must submit their physical examination to the dormitory Office before entering

Violators of dormitory regulations must leave.


Please contact us at your convenience (031-219-2149).

Thanks for your cooperation!