

[Notice] Storage service during winter vacation ( 10.Feb ~26.Feb)

  • 홍세라
  • 2018-01-31
  • 4238

The Dormitory Committee working with baggage storage service company when you leave winter vacation. Through fair and transparent bidding competition, we have signed a contract with our luggage storage specialist, < Jim Bags >.

2. Storage Costs : 6,000 won per box
3. Storage Period: 10 to 26 February 2018
4. Application Period: 31 January 2018 to 22 February 4, 2018
5. How to apply : Use the link to complete the application and then use it to make a deposit in the account of the committee on drawing up the service
- Link to apply :
- Deposit Account: SC Bank 632-20-059570 (Joo Seung-beom's Board)
- Deposit cost : Box quantity * 6,000 won

6. Schedule
- January 31, 2018 to Feb. 4,22 : Application and modification of services, payment of expenses
- Feb. 4-6 2018 (Tuesday) - 12 p.m. (Tuesday) : cancellation and refund of services
- February 10, 2018 : baggage collection
(Fill in the names and living arrangements on the first floor of each living room from 09AM-15 PM)
- February 26, 2018 (Monthly) at 13:00 : Return baggage

7. Precautions
- All luggage is to be collected on February 10 and returned on February 26.
- If damages occur due to the fault of the company, you can receive appropriate damages.
- The total cost to the company is fixed, so the cost per person changes according to their overall demand. The actual storage cost is less than 6,000 won, and when the total cost per person is decided and the cost per person is determined, the remaining amount of the cost per person is deducted from the deposit and is returned to you in full

- Storage of living creatures, expensive valuables, fragile items, explosions and perishable items is not permitted.
- The maximum size of the box is 48cmx38cmX34cm.

8. Other enquiries
- Please Joo Seung-beom :