창의적 엔지니어 양성
아주대학교 전자공학과


[기타] 싱가폴텔레콤 Technical Support Engineer or Manager 모집공고

  • 정보통신대학교학팀
  • 송봉근
  • 작성일 2013-10-28
  • 조회수 8535


싱가폴텔레콤은 싱가폴에 본사를 두고 있는 아시아 선두 통신 회사로서 세계 20여 개국의 자회사를 통하여 최상의 통신서비스를 제공하고 있습니다.   

싱가폴텔레콤의 100% 투자로 1999년 한국에 설립된 이래로 꾸준한 성장을 계속하고 있는 싱가폴텔레콤코리아㈜ 에서 참신하고 진취적인 젊은 인재를 아래와 같이 찾고 있습니다.




모집분야 :  Technical Support Engineer / Manager  0

            (신입 혹은 2년 미만 경력)


Key Responsibilities :


  • Implement, operate and maintain network infrastructure & local loop in the most optimum condition, ensuring that the quality of service exceeds regulatory standards, internal performance targets and customers’ expectations while meeting RFS date.
  • Initiate, implement and document new processes/procedures to improve quality, cost and productivity of the operation.
  • To be accountable for maintaining all IP and data network and equipment.
  • To test and troubleshoot all circuits and services both independently and in collaboration with HQ.
  • Perform cost and cycle time analysis for projects and co-ordinate process improvement programs to reduce time to completion as well as minimize the cost to SingTel.
  • Support 24X7 helpdesk with outsourcing vendor


Job Functions:


  • Responsible for the implementation, operations and maintenance to support SingTel products and services for SingTel Customers
  • Plan and develop local loop project implementation schedule with local Telco vendors. Monitor and track critical project timelines associated with activities such as provisioning, testing, circuit acceptance and handover to customer, as well as ensuring end-to-end services is successfully commissioned by the customer requested date
  • Escalation point of contact for the carrier partners and the customers on a 24 x 7 basis
  • Work closely with HQ/NOC and other Telco providers to track and monitor customer’s trouble-ticket and fault restoration progress closely. Initiate escalation to higher levels and relevant parties for support during restoration of complex technical problems to enable faster restoration of service/system problems
  • Conduct investigation on circuit outage problems and to determine root cause analysis as well as preventive measures and actions that would be taken by the local Telco vendors to reduce recurring problems in their network
  • Ensure high reliability and service availability of all IT equipments, networks, systems and infrastructures
  • Manage, monitor, evaluate and work with outsourced helpdesk to ensure 24X7 helpdesk service quality
  • Any other duties, as assigned by the Supervisors/Managers


Job Requirements:


  • New or less than 2 years related working experience in telecommunication industry.
  • Degree in Electronic/Telecommunication/MIS/CS or equivalent.
  • Preferably to have CCNA or NTQ (National Technical Qualification) related in telecommunication certification
  • Possess IP skill set and other WAN skill set (e.g.: SDH, DWDM, TDM, etc)
  • Able to work effectively in the local business environment as well as with customers, local staff, partners, associates and regulatory authorities and suppliers.
  • A self-starter with the ability to work independently, as well as in a team
  • Good verbal, written communication and skills in English and in Korean



고용형태 : 싱가폴텔레콤코리아㈜ 소속 사원 혹은 대리
급여조건 : 협의에 따라 결정

근 무 지 : 서울시 강남구 역삼동 캐피탈타워 11층 싱가폴텔레콤코리아㈜



ㆍ영문, 한글 이력서 (※ 사진 및 생년월일 포함)


서류 마감 기한

ㆍ2013년 10월 31일(목)




1차 : 서류전형
차 : 국내면접전형 (
서류전형 합격자에 한하여 개별통지)

3차 : Video interview with the Director in Singapore(2차 면접전형 합격자에 한하여 개별통지)



E-mail 접수 : helenkim@singtel.com  & jjhwan@singtel.com