[2016-1] Summer Global Field Research Recruitment
In summer 2016, Globiz center is recruiting participants for Global Field Research. The project is to inspire students’ motivation and to cultivate a global mindset and learning through overseas visits. The recruitment details are as follows:
1. Research Area and Details
Support granted(per person)
Number of Research personnel
80 million won
(min. of 4 students per team)
※ The students who wishing to accompany a team’s supervisor (professor) should be min. of 10 students per team.
(Grant Extra points when selected for evaluation)
Summer Vacation
More or less 1 week
100 million won
Southeast Asia/India
120 million won
North America
200 million won
Central and South America
220 million won
200 million won
Africa / Middle East
220 million won
2. Who can Apply?
Students who are not disqualified for scholarships in Business Administration (Grade 2.0 or higher in previous semester, completed at least 12 credits in previous semester. Students who attained ‘F’ can also apply). Exceeded students or duplication of applications cannot apply.
3. Documents to be submitted:
Submit “Research Plan” per team
6 different individual documents:
- Individual evaluation rubrics, participation agreements,
- School transcripts, language proficiency test results,
- Copy of passport (expiry date should be more than 6 months from the date of travel),
- Copy of bank account (identical to AIMS scholarship account)
※ If all the required documents are not submitted, the students will be automatically eliminated in the documents review process.
4. Screening procedures
Documents review (70 points) + PT presentation (30 points) = Total 100 points
1) Document review:
Evaluation Criteria
Details of evaluation
100 points
1, 2 year students
3, 4 year students
Prepared learning and readiness
- Enrollment status of Field Research Course
- Enrollment status of Capstone courses
- Enrollment status of regional studies
Results of clubs activities
- Extra points to first and second place of academic seminar
- Participation rate of clubs (score provided by academic supervisor)
Participation of CK activities
- Reading contest
- Record of services in Globiz center (ABIZ Ambassador)
TOEIC Speaking 6+ or OPIC IH (when there are no results, 2.5 points are granted to students who participated in TOEIC Speaking on 26th of May arranged by ABIZ)
※ Evaluation of documents
2) Evaluation of PT presentation: format is free, duration of presentation within 10 min. (7 min. presentation, 3 min. question and answer)
Evaluation criteria
Relevance of the topic
Is the presentation’s topic accurate, useful and novel?
Substantiality of the contents
Is the contents substantial, logical and creative?
Effectiveness of the presentation
Is the presentation ready, delivered well and have positive response?
5. Schedule
2016. 05. 16. ~ 05. 30.
Submit application
Submit to ABIZ Global Center directly
Announcement of the teams
Notice on Abiz homepage. SMS delivery
2016.6.2. 18:00
Conduct presentation evaluation
The place and the order of presentation will be announced. (Prepare PT presentation whilst filling in documents)
Announcement of final teams
Notice on Abiz homepage and SMS delivery
2016.6.7. 18:00
Orientation (OT)
Attendance is mandatory (can be eliminated when absent)
2016. 06. 22 ~ 08. 18
Local training period (1 week or less)
2016. 08. 19
Post orientation (result briefing)
Attendance is mandatory (can be eliminated when absent)
※ Please check the schedule in advance to make sure students attend to attend the above schedule.
A. Reason of absenteeism: Please submit the reason of absenteeism (personal reasons not applicable) if students could not attend the above schedule.
- Form: Download form Abiz Global Center homepage -> bulletin board
- Submission: The team leader should gather the documents and submit 3 days before the schedule to AGC by 15:00
7. Reception: AGC(Dasan room no. 116) email: (abizcenter@ajou.ac.kr) tel: (3623)
Attachments: 2016-1 Global Field Research form (7page)
Globiz Center