Ajou Vision 5.0 Global Campus


Discovery of Korea Program Notice

                                        Discovery of Korea Program
Globiz Human Resource Cultivation Business presents an exciting event for international students to discover Korean culture and its assets though trip in Korea while building networks with Korean students.

What is it?
	Prize money of 500,000 KRW given for a trip in Korea.
	A group composed of at least one international student and one Korean student.
	Only 10 groups will be selected.
	The trip should aim to highlight the value of Korean culture.

Who can apply for it?
	You can apply if you are: an Ajou student majoring in Business (Korean) or an international student (exchange/degree seeking).
	You need to form a group including at least one international student and one business major student. Each group should consist of 5 members.
	Students with a strong passion to explore Korean culture in depth through a trip are welcome.

How can I apply for it?
	First, form a group with your Korean friends with business major.
	Second, decide where and when to go
	Third, fill out the “KOREA Discovery Project Proposal Form”(see attached MS-WORD file)
	Fourth, submit the Proposal Form to Office of Business Administration via email by Oct.29: sarkim@ajou.ac.kr.

What should the proposal look like?
	Use the given form for the proposal.
	Organize schedule of your trip.
	Express your strong will to explore Korean culture and different aspects of Korea.
	Be as creative as possible when choosing the destination and what to learn there!
	Each of the winning 10 groups will receive prize money of 500,000 KRW. Take this amount into consideration when planning the trip.

What happens afterwards?
	The successful applicants will be announced on Oct. 30.
	The successful applicants need to submit a report after the trip with the reference of our form.

	E-mail: sarkim@ajou.ac.kr 
	Tel.: 031-219-3623
	Office of Business Administration: Room #137, Dasan Hall 

                              Be ready to explore unforgettable Korean Culture!