UCPI 정세분석세미나

[일지] 아주대 미중정책연구소 정세분석세미나 2021-2

아주대학교 미중정책연구소 정세분석세미나 2021-2

시   간: 2021년 05월 06일

참여자: 김민좌, 서민혜, 안슬기, 이서혁, 이진주, 이창주, 이하림, 장기현, 전승호, 전태동, 전지은, 최연실 

주요 내용: 

Eye on China, Modi & Johnson set 2030 target for India-UK Comprehensive Strategic Partnership (May-04-2021)


New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his UK counterpart Boris Johnson Tuesday decided to upgrade the New Delhi-London relationship to a ‘Comprehensive Strategic Partnership’ by 2030.


At their first bilateral summit, which was held virtually, the two leaders also vowed to finally launch negotiations for a free trade agreement (FTA) that will give the countries greater access to each other’s markets following the UK’s withdrawal from the European Union, or Brexit, which was completed last year.


The two sides signed nine Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs) and agreements Tuesday, including on enhanced trade, and migration and mobility.


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